
Fair enough, and I respect that. MG:S is by no means a good game. It’s just amusing when people bring it up to compare FO76, because being better by MG:S doesn’t mean you have a fantastic game on your hands. 

I’m with you on the notion of how it looks better than MG:S but FO76 still is an avoid-at-day-one kind of game.

Just out of curiosity, were you someone who actually played MG:S?

Most people on the internet seem to be about mindlessly bashing MG:S, and consequently praising FO76. So I’m asking because I’m curious for a take on FO76 from someone else who played MG:S in proper.

Thank you for writing this.

If someone’s death is a headline, then they probably left a nuanced legacy behind. There will be people in the camp that believe such person was wholly good and some that believe that such person was wholly evil.

It’s okay to *civilly* discuss that person for what they were/did in their

“If all you think there is, is evil, then all you’ll see is evil.”

I’m going to preface this by saying that sexism is a very real, and is problematic. I’m also going as far as to say gender equality is something that needs to be taken seriously in the work place. Still with me? Good.

Deroir’s was in no way explicitly sexist. The argument that the act of him tweeting her because she

1) “Content creators” is a broad term we’re using here. Finding them may be easy, I’ll give you that, and I’ll admit my wording originally was broad as well. The nuance here is a) these creators are well established in the community and b) there is wide breadth to the different aspects of content creation. Ex. Deroir

Let me preference this by saying I respect your values of prioritising employees. However, you have the issue framed incorrectly. This is not a two-stake holder issue where it’s customers on one end and employees on the other.

Deroir is a registered ArenaNet Partner (you can see the full list on that webpage). These

I think the big thing to establish is that she’s not obligated to reply, which I think we both probably agree on.

Price is not speaking in an official capacity for the company while on Twitter.

It’s important to note that Deroir has been a GW2 steamer and youtuber for GW2 since 2013. Anet even has an NPC named after him ( He creates guides that help the community and is in my mind passionate about not only the game, but the world and lore surrounding it as well.


I know you weren’t asking me, but I figure I would take a stab at this for you.

For the Imperium, you could can chalk it up to 2 central factors:

Wern’t the Paris attacks in November? Or are you talking about something else entirely?

I want to start off by saying that what you said is moving, and I hope things are better or are getting better for you. I have a friend that tried to commit suicide a couple of years back and he’s doing a lot better now, and I know he’d tell you that the road to your happiness and fulfilment is a battle worth fighting

“another common case of too much video games and not enough ‘life’.”
“It’s easy to sink into a depression if you do little else besides play video games all day.”

Are you trying to say that video games cause depression or that the two are just correlated? While, yes there is a correlation between high video game play

The fuck dude?

Oh, okay! I hope you enjoy that game! It’s a bit short imo, but it is worth a play through for sure!

haha but in all seriousness, I’m curious to know what you meant by Space Marine? Like the THQ game made by Relic in 2011? Or is there a newer game? :O

Space Marine? Don’t you mean:

You’re treading on thin ice here because piracy is illegal in most places but ad block isn’t. But you said it “almost” uses the same logic so I’m just being nit-picky here :P However, I know people who work in the food industry and you’d be surprised. They can confirm that people do walk out without paying because

Although Japan and Germany have had economies that were/are better than some of the allied forces post WWII era.