
The facts in that case and the fact-finding involved must have been crazy to prove that.

Assault often requires the person to have reasonable apprehension of physical harm.

Casual touching wouldn’t fit that.

How many separate times has he appeared as Fred by now? I bet that’s his No. 1. And so many multiple roles on the same shows, he wasn’t just Megatron, he was Soundwave and Ravage(ha!)and like 6 more wikipedia says too!

When it’s played for laughs? It is now.

I disagree, Skarsgard is awesome and sells the broken man behind the bluster as the series goes past the first episode. Euron never had any development at all.

It has Floki, I’m watching until the bitter end or he leaves the show.

I never got overloaded on “yeet”. It can still make me laugh when used well.

It sounds like this movie is no Curie for the pandemic summer blues.

He doesn’t even really fit since most of the time Betty & Veronica are practically throwing themselves at him and fighting each other for his attention. He’s not groveling for attention from them.

Yup, those too. “Beta-” anything would be on there as well.

See! It has nothing to do with another man banging your wife while you watch! You could put any of the terms I listed in there instead and it makes just as little sense.

I was just badly expressing how revolting that line is. But it really is perfect for making the viewer hate the bad guy.

I was primarily thinking of terms that tend to originate from/gain currency on Reddit and 4Chan, and are used as pejoratives against people based on nothing more than disagreement on w/e topic.

“Karen” is definitely another term similar to those, but at least most of the time I see it accompanying videos of white

Terms I’m really sick of:

Reading that one liner about thighs just made me make a face like I smelled sour milk. It was extremely upsetting.

His episode of Lucifer is a series highlight.

And it sounds like the Galavant cast had a great time together. I miss that show so much. So damn good.

There’s so much great detail in that movie.

I don’t mind the training stuff, since the whole point is they are basically playing an intense game of paintball.

I’m really excited to see how Butcher handles it all, since his motivations for everything he did seem to be based on pure lies. In the trailer he’s back to seeming gleeful in his crusade - so what happens? Can’t wait for this.

I think for the most part the show did a decent job on the topic of militarization. When they were being serious, they would not use rifles and other military style gear unless it was truly appropriate to the situation - known armed and dangerous bad guys. SWAT wasn’t being called constantly over little things. They