Mark Gearon

With superior air force (US & SK), it should be no trouble to destroy (carpet bomb or surgical strike on artilleries) their firing position before any major and lasting damage to Seoul.

10,000,000 people live in Seoul, which is within artillery fire of NK.

“SVP stands for “специализированная вычислительная подсистема””

Well, that’s one way to hike of the price of oil, Saudi Arabia, get into a shooting war with Russia.

I really would like to see her “Copycat” persona pop up in the movies. I always liked her unique spin on shapeshifting, and feel it would be interesting to see handled in a movie.

Vanessa absolutely needs to stick around. She’s such a part of his life in the first movie, it would be a huge mistake to throw her to the side or (worse yet) kill her off.

I was disappointed he was in Colossus mode the entire time, WTF...why not at least change to eat or be in a cab?

One of those is possible, the other...

No, because it doesn’t work. The claims are bullshit because they’re impossible; the physics of dropping a piece of iron from 30,000 feet doesn’t allow for any kind of real accuracy, no matter how precisely timed the drop was. And the Russian propaganda is claiming that they’re just as accurate as western precision

I’m sorry but whatever the targeting tech on the plane, the physics of the drop still make carpet bombing in todays day and age a weapon of terror only. Unless ISIS was stupid enough to be in an open area just begging for it there really isn’t a case for carpet bombing.

After using several salvos of their most

Yeah, except all that is bullshit propaganda. I don’t care what targeting technology is on the aircraft, dropping a dumb bomb from high altitude isn’t going to hit anything, unless you’re dropping them by the thousand.

300,000 of them solved their problem by walking south and surrendering. These were military units well armed and retreating intact, and therefore were legitimate military targets.

Show a little Respect assholes, there is certainly loss of life here and not to be joked about.

and also, that fucking sucks.

What are you even talking about? The ineffective ABM stuff that’s not even meant to counter Russia?

MINOR SPOILERS HERE! Nothing too serious, or anything more than the original post, but just giving due warning.

The An-225 is much bigger than the 747, and not even the Dreamlifter can come close to the capabilities of an improved An-225.

Give or take the U.S. Civil War, which was one Hell of a war by any historical standard. And which is still kind of going on, to all Americans’s detriment and discredit.

Probably the 1970s FAB-250 bombs. The Soviets stocked a lot of this ordnance that Russia inherited too many of them.