Mark Gearon

Cougar & cheetah are small cats, not big cats. The cheetah is the biggest of the small cats. The leopard is the smallest of the big cats.

Did you read the article? It’s talking about a system which would be far cheaper than those being used to currently do the job. Why do you think it’s appropriate to look at the initial airframe cost & say shame on you Tyler, but not look at the mission cost & say attaboy Tyler?

I think it’s beautiful & an excellent concept. I wonder how they chose the specifications of the design e.g. if they looked at fewer, larger diameter fans in a taller wing. Look forward to seeing it in 2018.

Everyone else is just too shit scared of reprecussions to contribute to the FON operations. My govt, Australia, have said categorically we will continue with out diplomatic efforts only. i.e. we whinge every now & then, China tell us to fuck off, we fuck off.

B-21 Nightwatchman

So excited. Now... Let Australia buy a few! Not too many, of course, maybe a dozen or so. Just enough to keep 4 of them in the air at any one time. Now THAT’d keep our neighbours guessing :D

So do we have any realistic proposals for how NK can deliver their weapons?

It’d be good, one less slaging point against the US. It won’t happen with this congress, not a chance. Can’t help but wonder if that’s why the Pentagon didn’t go into much detail. Every knows it’s not happenning, but we want to look like we at least tried.

I got no problem with it. Who cares if they were retreating? They were enemy soldiers. Did they surrender? No? Then they were fair game.

I got a mate who was on the ground there at the time. He says the number of reported deaths is vastly understated.

I was on O’ahu when this happened. Every beach across the north of the island was closed, with people coming from all over to watch the huge surf. The road around the top was gridlocked for miles as a result. You can’t see it, but just off the coast there is a warship participating in the search, plus a Seahawk & a

Looks like amongst the most expensive of ways to drop a couple of dozen bombs. Why the hell they don’t just actually load up one of the many Su-24's they already have in Syria is beyond me. Every video of a flight, you see an aircraft with 3-4 250 kg bombs on it. Nothing. Why waste the airframe hours? Is the runway

Oh hell no! The Backfire is fking gorgeous! Sweeping nose, sharp rake on the massive intakes, huge exhaust nozzels. What’s not to love.

Pfff. Mary Sue is just a synonym for Jedi. If you’re force sensitive enought to use Jedi tricks, all bets are off on what you should & should not be able to do in other areas.

Do we need any more reconnaissance assets in the area? Germany should just bite the bullet & get some proper air to ground assets down there. It’s a disgrace that Australia & Canada are each doing more than Germany in the fight against ISIS.

I’ve seen these bombs a lot lately. How big are they?

Is New York 1,000 km from the US? Do no Americans live there, or ever have? Is New York really close to other countries? Yeah, outstanding comparison, you clearly know a lot about this topic. Congratulations.

Ye olde ammonium nitrate & diesel. Crude, but effective.
Might not be too accurate, but if you are shooting at a stationary point like a checkpoint or facility, that doesn’t matter much.

Love a good F-111ski video. Nice.

The poms lost 100,000 men IN ONE DAY in WWI. In terms of loss of life, D-Day was a great success. RIP & thank you to each & every one of them.