
The reveal is priceless!

When I saw this on Twitter yesterday, I thought it was going to be a bumper sticker or something - something small. When he drove away and I saw it was an actual whole-ass flag ... I mean, damn.

I honestly don’t understand why they are not just more straight forward about it. “We wanted to make it more family friendly, please stop whining. ” They honestly would’ve gained some respect from me.

Hell in today’s climate I would’ve even accepted: “We have developers to feed, that gets harder to do if our game is

Except that the GIF for the article is literally the dude getting in the other dude’s face:

Things that I don’t personally like: sore losers and poor winners. People that don’t shake hands and congratulate the opponent - unless there is good reason for that.

So I appreciate the Kotaku is questioning these situations, but it doesn’t help your case when immediately following the article there are “recommended” examples of Kotaku openly glorifying these “pop offs”. Like maybe we stop celebrating these?

I’m confused. He stayed calling Maxine Waters “Low IQ” using her name and everything. He stayed berating black female reporters on national television. It’s only fairly recently that something seems to have clicked with him that he didn’t want that smoke.  He had habitually went out of his way to call them names and

He’s been terrified of black women since forever. When they chastise him, he “yes ma’am”s and does what he’s told, like when he went to Flint back in the day and they flat out told him “stay on topic and stop with that nonsense.”

Cosign on ALL of it.

I’m glad they got social workers involved; it’s a damn shame they had to, but SOMEONE has to shame the police into doing their damn jobs.

They were trying to say that they weren’t going to arrest him, this wasn’t an arrestable offense, and I went off on them,”

The child was brutalized ON CAMERA and the parents had to get social workers to advocate for charges?? And they claimed that there's equity in law enforcement. Bullshit. Let this have been a Black or Latino man pinning a white child down like this. He would've been executed swiftly by the police upon their arrival.

A grown man attacks a 13 year old boy and cops are like “Well I don’t see a crime here.”

Marianne Williamsonoma tho-

By the same logic, a character's "normal" jump would also be far smaller. You want that? I remember RoboCop on the Game Boy having such a super small jump that having no jump would basically be the same thing.

Well at least everything else in video games agrees with the standard rules of physics! Oh wait.

double-jumps are stupid because you can’t fucking jump mid-air.

Uhh... those levels are designed for double jumps. You make it sound like they designed a level, realized it wouldn’t work with the standard jump, so implemented a double jump to avoid reworking their level design. That’s not all how these things work.

A few more games better with double-jump: