
Whittaker has been awful. She was miscast and it becomes even more apparent when a certain character pops up (which I won’t spoil). The problem with Chibnall is that his two series have been boring and inconsequential, which is arguably worse than just bad. After two series we don’t even have an idea of WHO the

What gets me is not the horror elements much now (although they’re still a bit spooky) but Chris’ helplessness in helping her daughter. And like you said Father Karass’ crisis of faith in seeing something so evil pervert a young innocent girl. The loss of innocence, the pain in not being able to do much other than

The book is so much better than the movie. Incredibly scary too. I recall not being able to sleep in the same room as the book because of how much it frightened me. You’re right, it would be a great mini-series, especially if done on a network like HBO who’ll be faithful to the source material.

Not people in the comments making excuses for his behavior and playing it off as “jokes”. It’s not a joke when someone’s unwanted genitals are on you. Is that really so hard to understand? And for those who say this stopped one he was reprimanded on the Doctor Who set, he continued this behavior well into his

Yeah you’re not defending it, you’re making excuses for it. 

I think it’s very weird how Americans immediately label someone just from their looks. The actress identifies as mixed not Black, so it seems weird to just contradict her by stating what her identity is when she’s stated otherwise. This is also really jarring when Americans talk about non-Americans who have very

Hydra as a major organization is dead but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still Hydra operatives still in existence running smaller but still lucrative operations while in hiding. She could still very much be Madame Hydra. 

It’s Gabriel Luna, not Daniel Luna.

Stupid plot with stupid super zombies but it still looks fun. Also Bautista is charming to watch and I’m intrigued to see Ana de la Reguera, Raul Castillo, Tig Nicotaro, and Garret Dillahunt in this.

At this point there’s no doubt anything not within the MCU movies or shows are non-canon to it, this includes any appearances by Fury, Lady Sif, etc on other shows. It’s pretty much Feige’s way of wiping the slate clean the same way Disney did by turning most of Star Wars EU into Legends. It’s just easier and if they

I saw fights about it on twitter. It was not pretty. 

Just say you’re racist and get it over with. Can’t taint beautiful Superman’s genetics with a Black grandfather. The horror!

Well why do all that when you can just make one movie that’ll make billions just like Infinity War? The writers will think of something.” - WB executive

WB just has no clue what to do. It’s just a bunch of executives with no creative vision, much like Sony. They want the success of the MCU without laying the groundwork for it. 

Looks like an older photo? Her nose isn’t as pinched as it is now after so much surgery (she’s VERY close to a MJ nose). 

I like the idea he’s just a regular human who’s letting the idea of being Captain America go to his head. I think he genuinely wants to live up to the name but he’s also so desperate for the respect that comes with the name that it’s making him frustrated things aren’t the way he wants them to and that’s going to make

A multi-Doctor special with all the nu-Who Doctors AND McGann would be a dream.

This man got so much hate on twitter recently when he revealed he asked to use Chris Evans’ Captain America suit for the show. It’s kind of insane the loyalty real-world viewers have towards Cap and the actor. Makes me think a recast of Steve Rogers in the MCU might not be possible without some massive backlash.

It’s like the Wish version of Cap lol. 

Not to be that guy but iirc they said he has the best scores not that he was at peak human capacity. I don’t think anyone without the soldier super serum can reach Cap or Bucky levels. He could barely fight one super soldier let alone three.