
The point is, why does anyone care? Especialy why do you care enough to want to know the type of man he is. He’s a celebrity, an actor, virtually nobody in your life, but somehow it’s important enough for you to say “this would definitely color my view of him”.

My family (3 households) currently subscribes to 2 services: Netflix and Hulu Plus. That’s about $20 a month which is way cheaper than cable is and much better at giving us choice and freedom to watch what we want. Whoever is subscribing to 5+ streaming services must be insane because I’m sure half of those have the

I use Slide for Reddit (on Android). Love it.

This guy’s an idiot and a tool but so are the fuckwits who have threatened the band members and their families.

It’s so weird how despite Marvel having NOTHING to do with this or DC somehow it winds up being mentioned by every fan of BvS. It reminds me of the Berniebros who hurl insults and make dumb memes about Hillary to justify their position/liking something.

Snyder’s take on these iconic characters has slowed and shifted what we might accept as a superhero production, opening interesting doors towards more complex superhero films in the future.

BvS apologists are going to love this one.

It wasn’t a Superman movie?

I’m more than sure Nolan was only superficially involved with the movie and his name was plastered as “producer” due to name recognition (read: Nolan got paid big bucks to have his name plastered on the screen). Had Nolan been involved it would not have been this much of a mess.

Since the Flash has introduced the concept of elsewheres in the series, it would be logical to have an episode of the Flash where Grant Guston’s Flash meets the movie version.

Actually it would work really great if they let the Arrowverse and Supergirl actually use Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman. Use TV as the ideal versions of these characters and the movies as the dark version. That would be amazing.

But the director phoned it in and the script needed at least a couple more rounds of reviews and polishing. Instead,

Daredevil fixed this with having both the Punisher and Elektra plot for the second season. It didn’t quite hit the mark for the Elektra one at the end but it was still good and the Punisher plot was completely solid.

Dude, the whole world caters to straight men. Straight men rule the world. But somehow a character no longer has a sexy pose and something is “taken” from you. Do you not understand how petulant you sound?

FBI/NSA should recruit these kids to jobs if they were smart.

My guess is that he’s really good at sex.

They wanted their own version of Joss Whedon (look he has experience with geeky stuff!) without fully understanding why Marvel/Disney chose him in the first place.

Or when he gave Ozymandias and Night Owl superhuman strength and agility. True to the graphic novel in every way.

Imagine the DCCU being overseen by Bruce Timm. The man gets the DC characters. Proof lies in the awesome animated films. I saw Justice League: Gods and Monsters soon after it came out and somehow that single movie made me care more about the alternate Justice League shown in it than Man of Steel ever made me care for

I’m surprisingly hopeful for Suicide Squad given that it’s being directed by David Ayers. The worst mistake WB did for the DCCU is putting Zack Snyder at the helm. I really don’t understand what made them go with such a terrible terrible decision.