Inglourius Bass-tards even
Inglourius Bass-tards even
Just wait until Lance Bass decides to open a restaurant.
Favorite...Jessica Jones villain?
Your winnings, sir.
I'd recommend your local food bank. You can donate money, or food or your time and they really need all three.
My wife and daughter just confirmed this.
Jill Stein is the fucking worst. To hell with her.
Maybe it’s a cosplay as Lena Dunham kind of wedding?
Those all look like medical devices.
There are maybe four, from Wisconsin, Georgia, California, maybe one other state.
Now ant that a 1st Amendment violation?
*the alleged murder attempt actually took place in Costa Mesa.
This is just as bad as the thing you're mocking. Worse even.
Still awaiting trial.
How many responded that they dislike him “bigly”.
It’s like saying “controlled flight into terrain” instead of crash.
Given that Trimp (typo but it stays) is an actual rapist...
The setup is fictional, but in service of a particularly repellant sexual fantasy.