
Lotta negative nancy's round these parts. Maybe it'll work really well and you'll wonder how you ever went without this tire for your entire life. I'd give it a shot.

Got one of these bad boys two years ago for twenty bucks. It still runs fine, and the battery life is still ten plus days @ two hours per day of using it. Would by a Sansa mp3 player any day of the week. So cheap. Does what you think it should.

Whatever it is, I guarantee it won't be new or innovative. It'll just be a somewhat newer technology with an Apple logo on it, thus making it magical. Mactards will rejoice and act like it's made out of unicorn urine and that the technology has never existed prior to release of said doohickey. Apple will get credit

So when can I get my medical ecstasy card?

If I didn't work on the titty bar's computer system I wouldn't have a clue about their urinals. Don't frequent titty bars. I value my money more than I do the titties.

I know a bar in Michigan that has those exact urinals. A titty bar to be precise. If you ever can't contain yourself and you must piss in a urinal shaped like a mouth I could direct you to this exact urinal sir. Good day.

I'll file this under "Shit to do if I feel like hurting myself"

Written by someone who obviously has never been incarcerated. These people are not having fun.

That's a fine argument. Honestly. I get that side of the coin. But please show me one example of how a police officer has been harmed.

What if one of their hacks uncovers police corruption, racism, and other general nastiness in a police force? There isn't really any good checks and balances when it pertains to law enforcement and there are a crap load of dirty cops. Would you be inclined to want to know about it?

I remember reading somewhere that McDonald's shakes are made with this same wood pulp material cellulose. That's how it's non-dairy.

This is on a desktop with ethernet plugged in. I've checked my speed many times. Never had the upload be more than the download.

Something is amiss here. There's no way I could have higher upload than download.

I lol'ed.

If you direct a sprinkler to glance your air conditioner on it's arc back and forth, it will work better. The idea of the outside coil of your air conditioner is to cool the super heated refrigerant gas as much as possible before it gets back into your house. That's why it blows off hot air. It's a process of cooling.

No. This is a pamphlet they hand to girls in eighth grade sex education class. It's not news. It's not a gadget. It's not technology.

Seriously. Why. In. The. Fuck. Is. This. On. Gizmodo?