What am I gonna do if my girlfriend gets pregnant though?
What am I gonna do if my girlfriend gets pregnant though?
This happened in Michigan not Florida. The article isn't correct. It was a local news story here. The whole story is even funnier than it is wrote about here as well. Homeboy has like 7 DUI's or something like that. Plus him and the handicapped feller he stole the wheelchair got into a fight prior to him stealing the…
Yes, other POS solutions will be more costly. But you're dead wrong about not being as capable. In fact regular POS systems have many times more functionality than an ipad. Ipad systems might be able to do some somewhat innovative stuff, but they lag far behind regular pos systems in terms of functionality. Simply…
My cousin uses square in his shop. He runs maybe twenty transactions in one day.
The writer of this article doesn't know his a$$ from a hole in the ground when it pertains to cash registers. I wouldn't expect anyone to know about them but Ipads aren't killing off anything any time soon. Not this decade, and probably not next decade either.
Sex offenders have the lowest recidivism rate of any type of criminal. There's a lot of misinformation out there. No one wants to rape your kid. And even if someone does, blocking them from Facebook won't do anything because there's a better chance that it's someone that you know and trust than some random pervert…
I always wanted to get the loudest possible horn for my truck. Something that would put the fear of god into someone by just tapping on it. I wouldn't want it to sound like a train, rather more like a barge horn.
How much do you suppose one of these things will cost? First of all, the thing will still need to be a scale + a scanner. The devices they use at grocery stores are a combination of both. You can't take a picture of avocados and weigh them in mid air.
File this under S for shit everyday people shouldn't know
Fuck cilantro.
That's gotta be intentional. Someone programmed it to say retard. Someone who hates pilots.
Sure that aint "point of sale?"
A drug that makes a woman want to cook dinner you say?
Why is it poop brown?
I've had a USB 3 motherboard for a year and a half now. Never once plugged anything into it.