
Porn spurred on a lot of technology. VCR's, VHS, DVD, HD etc. Porn drives innovation. That's all.

Does it have a porn use? If not, it should. Juss sayin. Probably get a lot more early adopters.

I'd much rather see that money go to NASA. If we didn't stick our dicks in beehives we wouldn't have to fight wars.

They've been doing this in Detroit for as long as I can remember. All over Detroit businesses put barbed wire on their roofs to keep thieves out.

HA HA HA HA! I knew that there would be a day when I was proud to have an outtie!!!! No fuckin bacteria!

This is seriously very dangerous for a lot of police officers. It's not a good time to be a cop in AZ.

Someone somewhere is working on the technology for internet sex workers to give remote hand jobs with the user's own hand. If not, someone should be.

Yup. It's what it looks like to me. All they have to do is scare the grey haired folk, (the only people that vote in this country) into thinking that hackers are everywhere doing nasty shit and they'll pass some crazy internet crackdown laws that fuck us all over. The same way they passed the Patriot Act.

Staggering heights. Meaning the height of the roof is staggered.

Space sex is the only frontier that porn hasn't explored. I always wanted to see a porn in space. I'm sorry but there would be way to much hilarious shit that could happen.

You're assuming a lot guy. I haven't gotten a ticket in years. When you're driving down the road and you see a cop parked behind a sign with a radar gun how do you feel? Your heart jumps into your throat and you get an acute bout of anxiousness. You're afraid, at least momentarily right? You look down and check your

Why don't they come up withe a barcode system that keeps cops from being assholes and giving you nonsense tickets while they're at it? How about a barcode system that makes them go out and do real police work instead of sitting there with a radar gun ruining people's days? How about a barcode system that stops cops

Sex offenders are the newest boogey men, and the newest in the witch hunts. What do you think of when you hear the word sex offender? First thing that pops into anyone's mind is going to be "pedophile or rapist". But like some other posters here have said, you can get put on the sex offender list for peeing behind the

Ever hear someone say they think they were born in the wrong generation? Like they think they should have been hippies in the sixties or something. I often feel like I was born too soon. I can only hope that during my lifetime I get to see some of the most incredible technical breakthroughs that mankind can figure

1:19 for me. Lost it after that one.

Use a sausage.

You must be thinking about a different cult.

I started to get worried for a minute because I have a brand new Samsung laptop, but then I remembered that the first thing I did to it was re-load the operating system with 7 ultimate to get rid of all the bullshit. Bootleg7forthemotherfuckingwin!