
@D80Buckeye: You see what you want to I imagine. Does someone have a smurf porn fetish? Um... Go Blue!

The pi-winning comment at the end got me. I wish I could ask this woman to marry me. Except she'd be talking about dumbass math bullshit all the time.

Well let's just continue being fair then. You got Detroit, then you got the suburbs. Theres a huge difference. Detroit = complete shit. Suburbs = some of the nicest cities in the country. There is a very affluent and educated population in southeastern Michigan, just not so much in the actual city of Detroit. And

The grammar nazis are out in force today.

Hold on, so the government enacts some new laws to protect consumers and corral the nonsense that banks do and the banks response is, "Well eff you guys, we'll make it so you don't even want to use your debit card anymore"? They get a free pass to turn around and muck shit up and we the consumers still get boned?

That'll be a cold day in hell. lol. I'm probably one of the biggest anti-mac people in the free world. I have no apple products, and no apple software anywhere within a thousand foot radius of me.

@Clashwerk: The first computer that I ever owned personally was a windows ME computer. I bought it with my own money.

@frederickallen: The first day I saw the giz redesign I honestly felt a little sad. I just thought "g-dammit. Now I gotta get used to THIS format".

Shakes head.

So then, how would you feel if the US government put a GPS device on your car? Or monitored your internet activity, or listened to your phone calls? If you got nothing to hide then you wouldn't mind this would you?

Domestic terrorists? lol. That's just bigot talk for, "Keep an eye on the brown people". You should visit Dearborn Michigan. You'd love that place.

Check yourself holmes. You know nothing. I'd bet that you don't even have children.

*Edit, this was supposed to be a response to another post. THIS FUCKING LAYOUT SUCKS SO MUCH BALLS.*

This idea isn't all that crazy.

Can we have the choice to view gizmodo's old format? Please? Pretty please?


This website hardly works on Chrome. The pages don't load. I have to hit refresh a lot. Giz is one of my favorite sites, but I'll give up Gizmodo before I give up my browser. The layout sucks. Can we have an option for the old view?

Protecting the artists. The gay porn artists. Does this guy truly think he's fighting a just cause? The dude is helping gay porn producers get money for their productions that are shared through torrents. Maybe this lawyer should simply get bent. Or screwed. Or bent over and screwed.

@Squirt-Reynolds: Oh come on. You know next year is the year the the Lions get over the hump and make the playoffs. It's always next year.

@dccorona: Oh jeez. Did you seriously say Judas Priest was metal?