
"HIV of banana plantations" I don't know why I thought that was so funny.

Why have there been studies on shit like this? Couldn't some of them smart folks have been working on more important shit? Juss sayin.

And only 11 people committed suicide at the factory during the production of this aircraft. China is making leaps and bounds.

@icelight: Magine if you traveled that far with a fuckin lego chariot, you'd have to pick it up off the ground at some point. :)

@FriarNurgle: Why, so he can take the battery out? Wait. Apple product. nm.

@Communist Pope: I wish that you could visualize Macomb County Michigan. Population of nearly a million people just north of Detroit. It's a giant grid of roads. Traffic lights every half mile or less. Tons of traffic. Sidewalks are sparse. It sucks to drive in Macomb county, not to mention ride a bike.

@ModeratelyMotivated: I yell at drivers a lot when I ride. Not yell at them in the sense where I'm cursing at them, rather I yell stuff like "Hey! Heads Up. On your right. Coming through" etc. All I try to do is get distracted drivers to notice that I'm there. I never do this in a dickish manner though. I understand

@lizon: Come to Michigan. No bike lanes anywhere. Let's just say that the Motor City wasn't designed with bicycles in mind.

Cyclists can be some of the most pompous pieces of crap you encounter on the road. Stubborn headed spandex clad gangsters straight up believe that the road is equally "theirs". They might technically be right, but right and wrong doesn't matter when cars are involved. This sticker is an example of the misplaced

@junior ghoul: Nor should they ever be. Theres a reason why we read Giz and have never read a single Wall Street Journal article that I can remember in my life. Giz is sweeter than the wsj.

That brought a big smile to my face.

I think I know what went wrong. They had a bunch of mattresses strapped to the tip of the rocket.

@Psych0billy: I thought of this too. The movement issue is something that would have to be worked out. I would not be cool with having to run in place. I was thinking something more along the lines of a thumbstick, the same one on the 360 controller, being placed on the gun itself. Think where your left hand would

That looks like the most awesome thing I've seen a kinect do yet. And it's not even in a game. Those physics effects are where the bar is at now, so there's nothing inherently impressive about that. But this is the first video I've seen pertaining to the kinect that makes me think that the kinect will eventually be a

@highland1: Dude, you can't compare serving in Iraq to the fuckin TSA patting people down. It's like comparing the FBI to a mall cop checking your receipt at the door.

So how will this effect the porn industry?

We'll find other ways. We always do.

@absolofdoom: Except the fact that they force you to work or you lose your job.