
Watches are for pussies. I always carry around a sundial.

Pfffft. Screw the Trans. I've got a nigerian prince that is coming to dinner. I just have to cash his check and buy him an airline ticket.

@fdisk: You're very well probably right on a federal level.

@PinballFan: Well think about all the people you hear about on the news. The high profile cases of rape and murder or whatever. They all plead not guilty despite the fact that there is heinous evidence against them.

@fdisk: I'd bet that you haven't been in many court rooms. Unfortunately, I have.

@mercury_marine: It's only a facade. The only people that plead not guilty to anything, are the guilty people, and the not guilty plea is usually entered on their behalf from the judge. It's the song and dance that is our criminal justice system.

@Darth Meow 504: You have a point. I guess I'm not old enough to ever remember stupid shit like that.

I'm releasing a study of my own right now. My study says that twitter is the lamest social networking tool ever created. My study also finds that one's use of twitter and level of douchebaggery are directly linked. My study also says that if you use twitter for education purposes you are a brown nosing douchebag that

I'm glad that there are people out there wasting their time making such awesome videos.

Holy shit. A politician with some sense. I don't believe it.

@LaziestManOnMars: No sir. You can rot in hell for such a blasphemous statement. The original xbox remotes sucked so bad. I hope to never see one again.

What is the reasoning behind there being a glass layer outside of the touch sensor to begin with? Why not simply just have the touch sensor glass?

I've never done anything that crazy on mushrooms, but I could certainly understand how it's possible.

@Dogen: A couple of days after I took my three year old son trick or treating I asked him if he liked Halloween. He said quote "Yea daddy, but I don't like candy corn." It was one of the cutest things I've ever heard him say.

I know some drug dealers that would take a prepaid debit card for drugs. Just call the 800 number on the back and check the balance. "Mom, I think I lost my card, can you go get me another one?"

I would want to believe this thing is for chinese workers that come in from the country side to do day labor. If they have to travel long distances, this is perfect for them to stop and sleep and not get wet.

@Lovick: Maybe I was thinking too deeply, but I certainly don't have grenades just laying around in my closet or anything. I do however have a few baseball bats.

@RedEyeNinja: I would love to fight a lego uprising. I would feel like a god.

Neither of them are wearing helmets so it's gotta be safe. Either that, or helmets are for panzies and they don't want to look like panzies. Speshully not on video.