Seems legit. Manufactured by the hair spray industry no doubt.
Seems legit. Manufactured by the hair spray industry no doubt.
Maybe not the best joke to be made about any baby who had no choice about the fucked up family it was born into. Hate Trump all you want but let’s try to have the class we say the GOP lacks.
Ivanka is, by all accounts, a fairly lovely and grounded human being considering who her father was and the wealth with which she was raised. I’ve been embarressed by some of the sexist things my father has said over the years - usually followed by a “but not you, honey, you’re different”. Anyway, she’ll be fine but…
Phrases become part of the larger culture, therefore part of everyone’s culture. Let’s stop trying to put cultural copyrights on everything and ignore the fact that the modern world is a cultural melting pot.
I actually thought her discussion of weed was pretty brilliant. There are, in fact, pretty intense repercussions to taking a Schedule 1 drug from banned to legalized at the federal level in one fell swoop. Dropping it down to a much lower schedule, supporting states as they legalize individually, and then keeping a…
Could Jezebel be any thirstier for Bernie sanders? This is absurd.
Honestly, I love her in this. She looks like she’s gonna turn around and break his nose at any second.
I starred this for your encyclopedic knowledge of tabloids.
And yet...John Edwards.
Bat Boy’s a creation of Weekly World News, not Enquirer. I think Enquirer is less UFOs, more questionably sourced (albeit sometimes accurate) celebrity gossip. That said, I am also skeptical of this many women having sex with Ted Cruz.
I’m fairly sure my cat sleeps directly on my feet at night in the hopes that it will help her control my dreams. And in most of my cat-based (cat-invoked?) dreams, she can talk.
The Ted Cruz part didn’t happen but the “I finally got tickets to Hamilton but I have to hold my cat the whole time” nightmare did happen. And in the dream the audience got to play on stage A LOT. And I kept having to say, you go on ahead. I have this cat sitting on my lap. I woke up VERY upset.
But I can definitely see Ted Cruz being the guy who thinks he’s so smart he has covered his tracks perfectly.
This rumor is definitely true. I know because my cat told me in a dream.
Especially when the alternative is grading. Oof.
Huh. I watched this documentary a few months ago and Jason Bourne was there growing potatoes and everything. Suppose a hundred guys could, you know, build a little strip mall and serve french fries at the burger stand next to the new bowling alley?
This essay reminded me of the long and tortuous path of “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”, which for many years I assumed was just some Brill Building writer’s idea of exotica, and then learned was taken from a 1929 recording of South African vocal group “The Evening Birds”, featuring its writer, Solomon Linda. Linda ended up…
Words I live by:
“Africa is truly one of the greatest countries we have on Earth.” - Sarah Palin