Corsair Tact

This is why, over 11 centuries ago the Cyrillic was invented in Bulgaria, and nowadays we Bulgarians use 30 letters in our alphabet and rarely need to combine two letters to form another sound. :) Bulgarian language is one of the very few languages to actually use exactly the same write-and-pronounce manner. What we

haha it’s not really that complicated, unlike the English language, we actually pronounce as we write, so “c” is always “tz”, “k” is always “k”, and letters c, s and z with a squiggly line above it are always pronounced ch, sh and zh. Oh, and it’s not rimac like “rymatz”, but “reematz”. This has been your crash course

Neither, if it had the little squiggly line over the letter “c”, it would be “ch”, if you wanted it to sound like “k”, you’d write it with a “k”. It’s actually “Rimatz”. ;)

Sure, but Communism doesn’t make something Soviet-aligned. Just look at China or Albania.

Launching an automotive startup in an ex-Soviet Bloc country

Since she’s not “reality TV material,” maybe she can be on the Great British Bake-Off.

he has a crush on her... seen this a thousand times... he probably rides his bike past her house like 20 or 30 times every saturday

I’m very curious to see how that’s going to play out - she needs to stay above the fray while at the same time hitting him hard on his lack of coherent policies and his fascistic tendencies.

fearful, hateful, Drumpf voter.

Also here’s a (surprisingly heartwarming) article on Laila from her hometown paper. Surprising only in that it’s so wonderful (and still not that common) to read of a queen’s supportive family and town...

How horrifying. But also, how gratifying to hear that the rescue people on the scene seemed to be legitimately concerned for her safety and dignity.

The issue is that you think MTA worker is uneducated, that’s YOUR mistake.

I just want to take a second to point out how you two handled this like grown ass people! You had a disagreement, possibly misunderstanding one another, but you didn’t go straight for one another’s throats.

What a lovely online interaction! May this be the future :)

As a Latina also supporting Hillary: expect nothing but contempt from white commenters here. They know what’s better for us and they are baffled that we dare to think for themselves and have reasons to vote for Hillary. How can we? They know what is better and they don't agree. We must be ignorant!

Please do elaborate on my interests? Because Income inequality isn’t fixing racism and the supposition that it will is ignorant as all hell. Like it’s literally infuriating. As is the fact that Sanders voted for the same crime bill that they like to throw in HRC’s face. I’m old enough to remember the crack epidemic

Thanks. Sorry for jumping on you - you’re certainly not the first or the only one to say something like that (about Guiliana Rancic in particular), but I really appreciate you rethinking it!

Love the lady in the cream colored number in the second to last photo. She’s killing it.

Well, it wasn’t Miss Marple that picked that particular story apart as much as it was Lord Peter. That is one of my favorite of the Dorothy Sayers books (see: Strong Poison).