Corsair Tact

‘I see it all the time from white liberals throughout the country.’

My sister turned 50 last year, and she is so. Pumped. I’m even a little envious of her. She has gone through all the learning experiences, she’s figured things out, and now she has this degree of comfort and confidence and security that I dream of. I know it all comes with time, but I’ve never been super patient. :-/

I really thought that I was too old for any shit when I turned 30. I was so astonished at still being alive as every one of my father’s siblings lost their oldest male child when he was still in his 20s — car accident, diving accident, motorcycle accident — I was the only one to survive my 20s.

I think a separate article is needed to show numerous shots of beefy German men in Lederhosen. It won’t really need a lot of text.

I’m sorry, what was this article about again? Leg day? Was it about leg day?

Well, hello...

I love a beefy guy, I’m not ashamed to say I stared at that pic a little longer than needed.

Meaty and nice legs he had me at the Lederhosen

I have always assumed that coke was the main reason that movie exists as well. White lines, pure as the driven snow.

Awwwwww is fine and fully in the aw category, IMO. But awe should be reserved for, well, awe!

I learned in France that because “laugh out loud” in French would not be acronym-ed to lol that they just say “lol,” like it rhymes with “roll.” It’s pretty charming, and makes me sad for the death of this phrase / bon mot.

1931 Daimler Twin Six. I’m interested in this car because it’s what Lord Peter drives in the Dorothy Sayers novels. The nose is just too long, even for the time. And it’s hard for me to imagine how the driver could see anything at all peering down the infinitely long bonnet.

Now playing

I watch this and imagine an elderly Busby Berkely is taken late at night to Studio 54 to hobnob with Liza and Liz Taylor. Remembering his youth, he takes a couple of lines of coke (which, unknown to him, has been laced with angel dust) and he begins to trip. The result is the above. That’s the only possible reason I

This is exactly what the 80s meant to me. In fact the first time I heard this song was during sex, which is perfectly appropriate.

No. There are no limits on restaurant customer crazy.

Perhaps and perhaps not, my dear Anon! I’ll never tell!

My guess is that the clientele in any train station restaurant are all just batshit crazy.

There’s a finite amount of crazy that we know about.

I see. I’ve occasionally hit that ABP in Union Station a few times while traveling for work and you pretty much described that location's clientele in your post.