Unión Station was my guess.
Unión Station was my guess.
We can’t have monogrammed thermoses with red allergies every week. There is a finite amount of crazy.
We’d had a freak storm come through that day...
The wedding BBQ is how I want my wedding to happen. Minus missing my flight and losing my hotel and venue deposits.
I dunno why but I envisioned Cat Baker delivering that epi-pen a la Vincent Vegas to Mia Wallace in Pulp Fiction with Dick Dale's Miserlou in the background.
Nope, but hilariously what I’ve learned from this post is apparently there are a ton of gay bars with drag shows in small Texas towns
I think my childhood was actually pretty good, too! We had a lot of arts programs, lots of library activities, some anonymous benefactor took our entire 6th grade class to Bass Hall to see a concert. We learned about periods and some minor reproductive health in 6th grade, and even about HIV/AIDS (real science, not…
Yes, central/west. It’s Frederick County haha I’m not trying to be vague
Ohh what does that mean? I studied French and so don’t know a lot about Spanish. I’m pretty sure aranaja is one of them too right? Because orange in French is orange...
Of course there is a Comic Sans one.
I always wondered what happened to those cranks who called into my newspaper apoplectic with confused and frightened rage when we accidentally ran the same comics two days in a row. WHAT IF TODAY WAS THE DAY MARMADUKE STOPPED THINKING HE WAS PEOPLE, OKAY? DID YOU EVER THINK ABOUT THAT?!?!
I cussed a few times when I first started The Vane, but quickly found out that meteorologists are huge prudes that would make Pat Robertson seem like Bette Midler, and figured it’s not worth the constant battle and private scolding/lecturing.
Longview? And thanks for this. It drives me crazy that Texas has become yet again a stereotype. I think it was better when Time wrote that kids rode horses to class at Texas Tech. IN 1981.
That would be a good thing as the Guv has very little power, unlike the Lite Guv, the head of the Railroad Commission (deals with oil & gas & railroads, oddly), and the AG.
Not to mention we have the largest gay community in the country, outside of San Fransisco. Yes, even larger than New York.
I also obsessively post this on other people’s comments whenever they complain about Texas. But it’s crazy! Houston loves Annise Parker! She’s been elected mayor THREE TIMES
I was stuck on the GW Parkway overnight during a snowstorm a few years ago—people were out of their cars, building snowmen and whatnot. You may as well stretch your legs if there’s no traffic movement at all.
I grew up in Italy and can attest to this being a thing. It’s also a fun way to make lifelong friends that you happened to meet on the autostrada.
Arrggg this is giving me PTSD of being stuck in crawling traffic for 3 hours with a screaming newborn in the back. I finally decided the highway code could suck it, ripped my shirt off like the hulk and breastfed the kid in the front seat like it was the 50’s.
Living with Seattle’s unpredictable traffic I have learned to always, always, keep a book in the car. I've also tried the emergency Girl Scout Cookie idea, but with some Samoas in the car everything seems like an emergency.