Corsair Tact

Erm. How is she apparently Russian?

Pre-flavored ice cream wouldn’t have no taste. It would taste like cream or like egg yolks, depending on how you made the custard (regular or French style).

I’m constantly amazed at the number of times I’ve tried to warn customers away from a dish only to have them order it anyway.

I worked the opening shift and since my coffee house was in the middle of a Christian suburb, it was always very busy, especially on Fridays.

Actually, not necessarily true. I have many times warned customers away from a particular product. Usually it was actually because the product was bad.

Serial Mom!

But if young women don’t read Cosmo, how will they learn the simple and finite rules of haircare? Murderers will be getting off scott free.

It’s funny, I read this article totally differently. I’m a GenX-er and coming up I felt like the message was still “have a big career, just make it work somehow.” I was cheered by the notion that younger women are going into the workforce with their eyes open and allowing for the possibility of fluctuations in their

See, as you get more and more popular, more people like this are going to swing by and tell you how to do your job.

From a Chicago resident of ten years who worked outdoors during the two most frigid winters the city had seen in decades, I politely invite you to come here in the middle of winter and decide how long you’d like to walk in bitter cold, lake-effect winds, and poorly-salted sidewalks. If wintertime delivery is there, we

All cooks suddenly developed allergies to the color red, and were experimenting with different hued sauces.

I’m confused at why people think that by posting it, I was implying we should all have sympathy for them. It’s a weird, crazy, nonsensical story that I found interesting to read; that’s the entire judgment I would attach to it.

HAHAHA, I did, so fuck me for my bitchery. Karma. LOL.

I miss Rachel and I will have to watch all three episodes of this show.

The first few years after leaving Sonny were a little lean. Hey, a job’s a job. You should see the Canadian Tire spread she did in ‘78.

Mmmmmmm, borscht.

She gives vacuous a bad name.

Vocal Fry and an Eating disorder. No.

I think so. Cher doesn’t seem the plant type. Although, there is this:

I wonder if Bourdain would be implying that if Ina looked like, say, Giada or Cat or Padma or Nigella.