Yes. I do believe she is a hero in more ways than just the one :)
Yes. I do believe she is a hero in more ways than just the one :)
It’s weird, I know a couple of emoji abusers, and my irritation is directly correlated to how much I like the person.
Agreed. She’s been absolutely lovely since her freedom. I could do with more posts like hers, even if there is an excess of emoji.
She has the happiness of someone who’s got a new lease on life. She’s seen some dark shit and is finally free from it all. She’s radiating, as she should :)
Ugh I love her, if only because her positivity is such a welcome antidote to how our society expects trans women to be: the tragic victim in our own story. Or the villain. Just showing that you can be trans and proud and also happy is revolutionary.
Because it scares the fuck out of you when a predator does this to you. As soon as she felt powerful enough, she had him removed from the venue.
Yup. Of the entire white house, I don’t think he’d lie, so much as evade.
Oh you didn’t hear, he invented that term. No one has ever said that in the history of words.
Notice how he didn’t say they were wrong though....
Trump sent an incendiary and unprecedented threat that escalates bellicose tensions with a hostile nation? Unsurprised.
At least other religions have their basis in the bronze age and can be understood as explaining natural phenomena and the human condition. I don’t see any of that with DC-10s flying into volcanoes.
Thing that also happened today:
Also impressive: that the apology was actually worse than the original statement (which was bad enough).
I can’t believe that he made an apology that was just as offensive as his initial email. I think that we just found Trump’s next Communications Director.
And he would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for the fact that he publicly claimed it on a semi-popular yet useless social media site oh wait
I don’t get this - also related - the computer your company bought for you to work on is not yours. Tread carefully
In HR/Finance for a nonprofit, and what happened to us is the hiring managers were generally offering male candidates $1k-3k more than the low of the salary range, while we were offering women the low, or a $500-1,000 bump. Then, the men were more likely to negotiate, and were sometimes rewarded another bump.
This is pretty much why you don’t write this shit and post it in the workplace. Outside work and on your own time, whatever. You’re shitty, but it’s unlikely anyone will ever find it. Now, depending on what this guy did or was involved in at work Google could be opened to a host of lawsuits just like this one. I found…
HR people are quite susceptible to being mesmerized by adams apples/thick body hair.