He always sounds like a non-native speaker. Like he has an idea of what he’s trying to express but can’t find the right words and turns of phrase and just ends up YOLOing it.
He always sounds like a non-native speaker. Like he has an idea of what he’s trying to express but can’t find the right words and turns of phrase and just ends up YOLOing it.
We have friends inside the White House that have told us over the past month they’re getting more concerned about his emotional state
C’mon how can they NOT make fun of Trumplethinskin’s Time cover?
My husband read that quote to me and we said in unison, “He hits her.” She’s flying the flag upside down.
If only he’d followed his bliss and spent his days writing terrible fanfic online...
I’ve noticed that. He is obsessed with women and blood. He aimed the majority of his insults toward Mika and her appearance. I saw the comment she made about him. It was over his fake Times cover and she said something about how he was hiding his tiny hands. Tiny hands bother him, you all.
Yeah, it’s strange how there’s this visceral reaction to women that sends Trump to a very dark place with little provocation.
Trump seems to be obsessed with women’s blood/women’s bleeding in a disturbing way. Has anyone else commented on this or consulted a psychological expert for further insight? Seriously.
FWIW, I think the emphasis was supposed to be about the impact of his language in shaping girls’ perceptions about body image and self-worth, hence the imagery of the mirror. But yes, the point about sexist language more generally applies to both.
Well, at least she’s not bleeding out of her wherever, I guess.
I’m sorry, but Obama wore a tan suit to a press briefing. And at one point he put his feet on a desk.
Yes, exactly- we are all mutts. I guess I just sometimes feel anxious when discussing heritage because of my hair, people are like “oh yeah so what your great great grandma was an indian or something?”
I’m mixed too, so I definitely hear where you are coming from about identity. Not having close relationships with one side of your family doesn’t erase that half of your heritage. It’s not as if you are trying to claim 100% Choctaw heritage... you can be, and are, half Choctaw and half German, and both sides are…
I like your perspective here, but here is my quandry-
Why do white people keep claiming to be Native? And why is it always specifically Cherokee?
It’s amazing how pervasive it is. I think a lot of people just grow up with it in their families that some distant grandparent was Cherokee. It was like that in my family too. My grandmother had native features, and everyone always defaulted to Cherokee. I looked it up several years ago and one of her grandparents was…
Didn’t Blake Lively claim to be part Cherokee in a makeup ad? It’s such a cliche it’s lost all meaning, which is a real tragedy, on top of countless related tragedies.
This is so much more common than the Rachel Dolezals of the world. It makes me so angry to hear someone who claims to have Cherokee (or other tribe or even just “Indian”) blood use their false mantle of authority to say things like, “I don’t have a problem with the Redskins name. I think it honors us.” I just want to…
Why? Because he’s so very desperate for the approval of the lamestream media and all of the elites he pretends to scorn.