
Is it flaunting literary privilege to say that anyone going into a production of 1984 without some idea of what they’re going to see deserves what they get?

If I remember my Dirt Bags correctly, Kim had some pretty tough pregnancy issues including that wingardium leviosa (sp) where you puke like...all day. Pregnancy sounds awful.

Ugh. I hate Caitlyn Jenner so much. Never forget that she killed a woman while driving and got away with it.

Liberals can’t even shoot straight.

“A” diagnosis makes other people feel better, they can pigeonhole the weirdo. The *right* diagnosis is of incalculable value to the person suffering.

I think it’s a diagnosis that often helps other people feel better, more so than the patient.

What you say is true but many people with ASD, like my daughter and I, suffer from co-morbidities like depression, bipolar disorder, OCD, anxiety, PTSD, etc etc

I’d like to see Jezebel write more about that diagnosis, especially the way it’s used primarily for women. It’s interesting, the way it’s become, among laypeople, a synonym for “toxic,” and “Stay Away From.”

And there are conditions with features of both (schizoaffective disorder; psychotic depression; manic states with psychotic features).

Sounds more like the female presentation of autism to me, from the article, compounded by the idiotic ideals of femininity of the age... Esp what she said refusing talk therapy, that’s literally exactly what I said when I quit doing it, myself. I’m asd and for decades lots of people told me I was

Definitely sounds closest to bipolar. Who knows, but periods of “normalcy” including avid artistic expression with periods of tantrums/violence and suicidal thoughts. It’s cliche at this point to guess bipolar and borderline personality disorder, but if she were still alive that would be top of the differential for

It’s unsettling to see an eleven-year-old with a thousand-yard stare. I actually feel a little bad for the kid.

Have you ever seen a grimmer batch of faces in your life? They look like they’re going to spend five hours at a college graduation ceremony where they don’t even know any of the matriculators. Hee hee hee.

I suspect he’s indeed an expert, in comforting his upset mother.

“The problem is that nobody cares about my boner!” he whined.

I was bored out of my mind watching season 5. I ended up watching it while doing housework. And there is ZERO chemistry between Claire and the writer dude. They have no chemistry, don’t seem to have fun together, they just brood in each other’s darkness and make vague comments to each other. And I can’t stand Francis

Robin Wright is awesome. I love how her character has slowly been taking over the show. I though the first season was good, but not great....not as good as the British original (Mostly because I thought the actress who played Zoe Barnes was miscast and couldn’t hold her own against Kevin Spacey. That casting

OMG please not again.

what ‘side peen’ is