corpus tyrannie

Yea, they said this exact thing about Peter Pan and Rooney Mara’s casting as well.

And I’m sure they will assume that is the “establishment” “rigging” the court system to actually require a lawsuit to state a claim for which relief can be granted.

Don’t despair, you can also use curtains!

I’m 5'10 and a size 14. Apparently my only option for formal wear is to sew king sized bed sheets together and hope for the best.

I’m going to walk around all day tomorrow going “RAAARRRR! I’m a giant!”. Which will be doubly hilarious because even though I’m an 8, I’m also a shorty.

Big ups to Christian Siriano tho, who really has put his money where his mouth is, when it comes to making fashion accessible for everyone. He routinely dresses the black girls on OITNB. That target line, and that other plus line he did.

YES to this! We LOVE the Imagination Library. So far, we’ve gotten maybe 24 books, and almost all of them have been wonderful reads. Some of them are now our family’s favorites (Tea Party Rules, POUCH!, Truck Stop, lots of others...), and I never would have found them if not for this program.

Here’s a link if you want

Just popped in to give a general plug to her charity, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. It’s a fabulous organization, dedicated to giving books to any child that wants them.

This is wonderful, thank you for sharing. So much of the discussion about this is so alarmist and polarizing. Just a couple thoughts:

I bet that the London banks will leave... they were there because they wanted an English-speaking city with access to European financial markets, and now that’s gone. And I bet that the German government will put some pressure on Deutsche Bank to leave, and where DB goes, many others will follow...

California is very dependent on trade and freedom of movement with the rest of the US. Hollywood is bigger than film industries in most other countries, because they have such a massive domestic market. They also have the talent of 300+ million people to draw on, and are very dependent on talent that did not grow up

Northern Ireland will become isolated with the european border between them and the Republic of Ireland. They’ll want to secede and join the union. That said, Gibraltar, who voted at 96% for Remain, will most likely either secede and join the EU or join Spain.

I am sitting here, at dawn, watching my country put worker’s rights, human rights, equality and protection for the disabled, and the UK economy on a bonfire, for the sake of some Union-jack-bunting “patriotism”, on the say-so of ghouls like Farage and Duncan-Smith. (Whatever happens next won’t touch them. They will

I started using it to communicate with friends abroad, and its basically the default international texting platform in much of the world (as most countries do not have large cell networks like we do) so I’m pleased to hear it is also fairly secure.

All you need to get is a traffic ticket these days to experience this. Have you ever read the police report on your tickets? Officers flat lied on every single one I’ve ever read when it involved me or a family member. Then the court operates entirely on that; you cannot bring a single thing that they won’t ignore

For the most part, no one wants to be painted as the person who lost [City] the [teamnames]. Even if the deals are shit, even if the public is getting educated to how shit the deals are, there’s still that perception that if you’re the mayor, or the council members, or the whathaveyou that lost Arlington the Rangers,

As much as I hate Metro, this has nothing to do with them. I live close to here and the problem was that the street flooded. There’s poor street drainage (and a low curb) right by that Metro entrance, and we had an ungodly amount of rain in a very short time period. So this (one thing) actually can’t be blamed on

Not terribly surprising that someone thinks Amy Schumer is an asshole, but the fact that Notaro got so visibly upset instead of playing the whole thing off with a joke indicates a helluvalot more than mere prickly feelings.

File this one under “How Not To Be An Ally.”