corpus tyrannie

Steven Paul kinda sounds like he talks like Trump...

GotS is very Japanese and doesn’t really make sense outside of that specific cultural context.

Um... “he’s just not that into her” works with relationships, friendships and hook ups, but not really with business relationships.

I was at the Texas State Democratic Convention and the women behind me screamed voter fraud anytime Clinton was mentioned. I can assure you, even had their been voter fraud - Clinton won a landslide in Texas and Texas has open primaries.

Closed primaries can be good or bad. They do help prevent party outsiders from crossing parties to help elected a worse candidate, but also (in a two party system) limits who can vote. On the bad side - the next PM of the UK is going to be chosen by 150,000 dues paying members of the Conservative party (it’s not a

Are you one of the gay guys that think cake decorators should be free to decline cakes? Your argument makes about the same amount of sense. Clearly the designers are free to decline to do work for common sized people, but that doesn’t free them from criticism for their choices, particularly when they are saying “it’s

The 5th in Colorado is the safest district for the GOP in America. :(

It’s a lot like Texas, it has a large progressive group of people, but is overwhelmed by the larger number of GOP voters.

In Colorado’s 5th District more turn out actually hurts the Democrats. When turn out is high, it’s often 65% to 70% in favor of the GOP candidate (of which there have only been 4, all Republican) since the district was formed in the 70s. When the turn out is lower, it drops to 60%. This is considered the safest GOP

I’m really impressed with his collection.

Plus this is a good time for France to make a move on trying to attract business offices that are in London and for Germany to poach the financial markets. I’m not sure the UK will get the “Friends with Benefits” agreements they want with the EU. Then again, I’m not sure the UK will still be the UK after this all (at

Now playing

Here is a video of them at the city council meeting -

Do you really think that the Court that just ruled that any evidenced gathered, even if due to an illegal detainment, is fair game, would rule against the cops in this?

I’m pretty sure that Texas doesn’t fund schools anymore, just HS football stadiums...