Odd then that you put your life in the hands of an autopilot of an airplane then. We can John Henry all we want but robot cars are coming.
Odd then that you put your life in the hands of an autopilot of an airplane then. We can John Henry all we want but robot cars are coming.
(Visitor from IO9 here. I don't own a car and don't even know how to drive. I hope that doesn't count against me.)
Seems reasonable enough to me, I'm not a biologist.
Fine. We'll see what future research brings. However, I remain skeptical.
And I L O V E it!
Nope. I've seen how fast medical science moves over the last thirty years and so no reason to believe it's going to move any faster. I'll be dead before we have it.
Well, maybe economics, being a social science, has a much harder row to hoe than physics. In physics interpretation of data, generally, is clearer.
"Slow bureaucracy, or lethargic business? Tough to say."
Doing a little research on the two authors of that paper, I as a member of the laity (And thus, let me emphasize, not qualified to judge.), remain skeptical.
Speaking as an old guy who desperately longs to become completely robotic and replace every last piece of organic tissue in his brain and body with artificial organs. I never understood the cumbersome half measures of cyborg stuff.
That's why I just eat lots of greens, both raw and cooked, and generally follow the FDA's food pyramid. Works for me.
Embrace Autonomy
No, not by the way I define immortality.
Your image is broken, dude. Why not just point me to with a URL or just out and out say what your joke or point is?
Not really. Frankly, I've come to find this hairsplitting and pilpul rather exhausting. Which is why I've taken to avoiding it on this site when I can.
All I can say, if I hadn't memorized all the system and application keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft software I would have gone insane years ago.
Well, you're probably talking to the wrong guy here.
Well, it's none of my business but, it sounds like you have some issues in your life that you need to sort out. Drugging yourself into ignoring them is not a good idea.
Not saying they shouldn't, I'm only saying that the government being the first and most major customer will skew their design decisions somewhat simply because of all the money it promises.
I usually don't bring up my atheism unless someone brings up their religion first. And then I just say, "I'm atheist." That usually shuts that line of conversation down and we never bring it up again.