Obligatory Shortpacked and Women Fighters in Reasonable Armor citations.
Obligatory Shortpacked and Women Fighters in Reasonable Armor citations.
And by the way, the whole plasma universe thing?
We have incontrovertible proof that the expansion of the universe is accelerating (To read all the details behind that proof, I suggest picking up Richard Panek's 4% Universe.) and this presents us with a problem. Either:
50. Never one. Not ever.
As a hard SF fan, I agree with Jonze. It's a love story. I knew that even before seeing the flick. The promos made it obvious.
Antimatter has nothing directly to do with negative mass. Nor does space-time magically expand the other way after reaching some huge speed. That's not how general relativity works.
The going posthuman part or the not living to see the technology part?
Okay then, well, whatever passes for small press these days.
It's funny because it's true.
Your appeal to my "spiritual side" has fallen on deaf ears. I believe wonder is entirely possible to experience without appeals to any spirituality or mysticism. Your comment has been dismissed from my thread. Apologies but not interested in discussing this any further.
Thanks for recommendation. I'll check it out.
Well as a tabletop RP gamer of many decades (Since 1978! Old school represent!) who, in the last two years moved to GM'ing with virtual tabletops, this is actually pretty cool—to 3D print figs for players characters and customized monsters! Wow!
Arguably Newton, who had no children at all, had a larger impact on the world than did Genghis Khan. Sure, he spread his genes around and burned a lot of cities but, was his cultural impact as large or timeless as Newton's?
Well it's certainly clever. But it strikes me as just refinement to the internal combustion engine—which is great if it improves the fuel efficiency and torque. But it really is hard to top the torque envelope of electric motors.
Well, I did chose a graphic that was manufacturer neutral as I could find. Anyway, not interested in pointless holy wars over game consoles versus computers. Digital convergence makes it all the same in the end anyway.
Well, whichever one represents the personal computer. That one is me. Never felt the urge to own a console. I've tried to typing text with a game controller? It's maddening. No thanks.
Pretty much that's it. Still prefer to eat out of a plate though—at least it has a proper keyboard and mouse.
Please note that negative mass is not the same thing as dark matter or antimatter. Negative mass remains purely hypothetical. Dark matter and antimatter on the other hand are quite real (Albeit dark matter's existence is inferred from its effects.).
Yep. Robert Forward wrote several articles about negative mass decades ago (One in Omni Magazine, which is where I first heard about it, and a few Analog.) where he explored the counterintuitive physics of the stuff in some detail.