Corpore Metal

Well, I'll take your word for it. Anthropology is not my forte.

Thanks for the advice.

Atheists exist in the world. Most of them don't give a tinker's cuss what you believe and most of them don't force anything on anyone. But we exist in the world and will, on occasion, publicly proclaim that we exist.

I am chastened and I apologize.

Well, we don't. My apologies that I didn't make that clear.

Yep, that's what we think too.

We don't do threesomes. He and I aren't in the same room. Why does everyone just automatically assume this?!

Your situation sounds bit more complicated than mine. All of us are straight and employed.

None of this appears to be all that surprising actually, anthropology tends to go through big paradigm shifts as more evidence and research comes in.

Semantics aside, it's still something these kids should be proud of. Here's hoping they all have great careers in science and engineering in the decades to come.

Yep, here's hoping that all of them go onto great careers in science or engineering!

Yep, almost certainly.

What Sea Anemone said. But yes, certainly there probably are FAA regulations that cover these weather balloon launches. The balloon very likely had some radio telemetry and ping identifier system so they could track it and other aircraft could identify it.

I hope I answered your questions well enough in your other post.

Science and engineering never stop! But yes, all scientists and engineers need days of rest!

"Does... Atmosphere rotate with the planet itself?"

And they took actually measurements and everything! Hello Kitty is green bird and go! These kids are all true steely-eyed missile women!

Perhaps "selfish" isn't the right word I should have used here. Thanks for the semantics.

You know what? That's miniscule in comparison to what people back in the Middle Ages had to face.

Sure, I guess that's one way of looking at it.