"What's the problem that you think exists? That men "think with our dicks," lack empathy and are unsympathetic? Or just that people think we do?"
"What's the problem that you think exists? That men "think with our dicks," lack empathy and are unsympathetic? Or just that people think we do?"
Well, as I said elsewhere, it's all about building a civilization that doesn't depress the hell out of me when I get up every morning to read the news. Broken people doing broken things and spreading their damage everywhere, perpetuating a new generation of broken people.
Obviously we're different, no one seriously disputes that. And obviously women are no better and no worse than us, that's precisely what feminism predicates: women are human beings, no more and no less.
Well, I'm partly preaching to the converted—at least as far as many of gals here are concerned. And I ain't showing off to the gals either. This isn't about them. I'm just answering a legitimate question. This is about building a civilization that doesn't depress the fuck out of me. This is about justice and fair…
"And that's why you made sure to tell Slater in the comments how offended you were by his narrative, right?"
I'll be honest. I don't even care what Slater wrote or what West wrote. I'm just answering West's serious question. I felt it needed an answer. For me, it's not about Slater.
Apparently, since this still appears to be an issue, not of enough of us are asking it. I don't think there is a cycle really going on here. I think it's just that we are too early in the social change and not enough of us are breaking ranks yet. More of us need to.
I agree with your first paragraph. There a lot more straight men who are sick to the back teeth of our own bullshit than many realize.
"Dudes. Serious question. Why are you not hella offended by your own mythology?"
While taking responsibility for it myself, I still partially blame the new commenting system on Gawker.
Well I certainly don't have any answers.
Ah, but see, I'm not even allowing Matt's generation the specialness of somehow being singled out for a worse fall than any previous generation.
Not really surprising that.
Hate to break it to you Matt, but every generation of kids was told the same lie* and has come to same conclusion—at least the ones with brains who are actually paying attention. We are unique, that's it. That's all we get: uniqueness. Specialness is entirely a matter of context and arbitrary decisions about what's…
Well, in my other comments in response to other comments under this article I said exactly that. I completely agree with what you said, I just mistakenly assumed your first comment was responding to one those comments and thus, because of my mistaken assumption, I was baffled by your reiteration.
I wish I were but, nope, just expressing an opinion based on what I read someplace.
Actually that's exactly what I said.
So how do we avoid this?
Well, it's genuinely appreciated even though I jotted down the Ripley and Connor thing as a throwaway whim.
One of the saddest endings in recent graphic novel history.