Corpore Metal

The technology is always young. It's constantly reinventing itself. Therefore I'm skeptical of your argument. They said the same thing about Flash, and yet, SVG and HTML 5 is making it possible to move away from it. Even Adobe is supporting this.

Heh, Pathfinder scared them, eh?

Sorry but I don't really know what "Calc 3" means beyond something having to do with the calculus. I guess the third quarter of first year calculus, assuming your school works on a quarterly term system? Here's what you'll specifically need:

Or just have all the surfaces of the building be coated with smart paint/plastic that glows, animates and changes shape. That way Paris looks like Paris but still leaps into the future in unexpected ways. Skyscrapers aren't strictly necessary to be futuristic.

Sometimes it's like talking to a wall. Oh well. Never mind.

Which is precisely the kind of excuses that are made when someone points out what a ghetto superhero comics have become over the last 30 years.

Depends on what you're thinking of. If you want a consistency in gender swapping superhero costumes, then she should be clothed as the male Captain America is.

Well, we all have our stubborn nationalistic irrationalities.

That is not ripping. That was intentional design.

Well, I was skeptical about the tax forms even as I made that suggestion.

Well, it's all smexy but yeah, it's pretty silly.

[Corpore Metal smiles the beatific smile of the truly deranged.]

May I mambo dogface to the banana patch?

Normally I avoid double root posting but this idea is too important to let pass. Someone (Mr. 8193.) pointed me to a method by which something can't be exploited by Rule 34. Thus:

That's more like it. Although that hair could present the same hazard as warned against by Edna Mode.


Well I suppose there are the horn dog motivations and there are the logical consistence motivations. Currently I'm favoring the latter even as I empathize with the former.

Which, if I were a Parisian, I'd consider pretty boring mode of style now.

There we go! Thanks Russell and Whitehead! To get properly Godelian though, I'm going to say:

So it goes. If something can be weaponized, it will be weaponized.