Lemme guess. The Vanessa character is a total fat chick, isn't she?
Lemme guess. The Vanessa character is a total fat chick, isn't she?
YES. White feminists need to shut the hell up.
It would be great if that were the case.
No. What we need to understand is that we need to stop listening to women, because their opinions don't matter. Only those of men do.
Star Wars is for boys/men. Not for girls. Molotov knows what he's talking about. Who cares about what little girls or women think? Star Wars is not and never has been for them. Deal with it.
…you mean the draft that she wrote that was largely tossed out? and thus has little to no influence on Star Wars at all? that Leigh Brackett? SMDH.
No, if a boy can't relate to a girl character, that's normal, because she's a chick and he's a guy. Also, being male, that means he's better than her, because men are better than women. Any boy naturally doesn't look up to women because he inherently knows that a woman is weaker than a man. That's why boys only look…
I dismiss the Bechdel test entirely, because I understand well that women's concerns or needs are not a relevant thing. They don't matter, and men do. Simple as that. And I find that things end up being much better when you look at things that way! I think you would too.
I hope we do live in that society. And we do! Let's keep it that way.
Frozen's a chick flick. Who cares what it has to say? (Aside from the lemmings who went to see this boring, anti-male chick flick in droves).
The question isn't "why couldn't they?" The real question is "why should any of the characters have to change genders just because you want them to?" If they're written as men, then they were intended to be as such. Leave them be. That's how the story works. The movies do not have an obligation to be feminist bastions…
Don't force any changes. Write the novel you want, not the one everyone else wants you to.
Don't bother shoehorning in any other women. If they don't belong there, they don't belong there. Simple as that.
In what universe do you live in that boys would want Princess Leia figures? Oh yes, the crazy universe. That one.
The entire conversation around the Bechdel test is designed to allow women to tag men as sexist all over the place, despite the denials on the part of feminists that this is the case.
Feminists only talk about ways in which they can oppress men. That's what feminism is all about, anyway.
Sounds like a made up thing, frankly.
Meh. The lack of women is something we ought to be thankful for, frankly.
Haters gonna hate. The Witcher is awesome. If you don't like it, don't play it. Not like it matters. Only guys buy games anyway. Women don't.
Are those boobs going to be out and proud? Are we going to get to see one woman's tits after another? In lots of sexy positions, poses, and sexual situations? If so, then bring on the lady nudity! Otherwise, screw the Bechdel test.