
Ladies have plenty of chick flicks they can go see. So your assumption holds no water.

Why? Because boys aren't girls. We don't do makeup. Deal with it.

This notion that women talk about the same things men talk about is ridiculous. How the fuck would you know if you aren't a man? That's right - you don't. So don't assume.

"They say a woman's work is never done. Maybe that's why they get paid less"

Women and girls ARE less important than men and boys. I don't see the issue here.

You can't erase a portion of fandom that doesn't exist in the first place. There are only male fans because that's all there is. Female fans certainly don't exist aside from the occasional exception.

"it's for boys, has always been for boys, and therefore always should be for boys" is exactly the point. It's for us men. The ladies can go elsewhere. Maybe find a knitting circle or something.

io9 is one of the most prevalent and respected sci-fi blogs/sites on the internet? According to who? To you? I'd venture to say that the majority of human beings on planet earth have never heard of io9. This idea that it's prevalent or respected seems to come from within whatever bubble you live in.

Wow…tons of anecdotal evidence to support your own conclusions there. That means nothing. No proof. Men matter and women don't, regardless of the setting. Men have always outnumbered women when it comes to sci-fi/fantasy/etc., men have always been more hardcore, and we always will. DEAL WITH IT.

Women's stories suck. Men's stories are awesome. Just the way it is. Deal with it, ladies.