Coronal Shadow

LOL, My youngest granddaughter (13) is not convinced gravity is real. Good thing she’s pretty!

“Urban van-life influencer"

Old Doctor Who space suits, in fact! (And reused for Bossk the bounty hunter in ESB.)

Is that what you get when Keanu Reeves is interpreting the signal data that looks like this?

Because Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes is the right answer.

without Hammerhead, this whole list is questionable.

This list is NOT valid without Momaw Nadon the Ithorian:

His “action” figure was just him holding a pint at the bar!

How is Momaw Nadon not on this list? What a tragedy for the Ithorian! He just wants peace and a gotdamn litre of ale.

Don’t forget these aliens, just a bunch of dudes in space suits

Pons is a Siniteen. Their big brains make them good for calculating the complex mathematics required for astro navigation and hyperspace jumping without the aid of a droid

Hammerhead! Back then it looked so bizarre and cool. And it still does!

You left out CRITICAL ROLE on amazon prime. Literally crowdfunded by its fans and they payed out waaaay more than the creaters initially were requesting.  This is essentially a whole new franchise( to the small screen) not a reboot, prequal, sequal, based on a book ect. Going to be awesome! 

That looks like a REALLY weird autocorrect from my phone, lol

That’s because we only breathe through one nostril at a time, even when we’re healthy. (The nostril that’s stuffed is just the one that happens to be resting at the moment.)

We have people that literally don’t know the Earth orbits the Sun, and think a Magical Man made the world 10,000 years ago. Some of these people are in the government.

Weird fact that I learned about humans and other vertebrates: The Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve. Apparently, the left nerve leaves the brain, goes down into the chest, loops under the aortic arch, and goes back up into the neck to attach to the left side of the Larynx. This detour adds about 3ft to the nerve in humans.