Coronal Shadow

No, no; it's "I don't want to buy the regular version now, THEN the 3D version when it comes out, because then I've paid full price for the same movie twice". I'm not condoning piracy, but I can see where they're coming from. (I've waited impatiently for the 3D Bluray of Avatar, without

Handy hint: compound interest will do wonders over 1000 years. You would be able to work how and when you want, if you are sensible with your income.

I'm surprised more people haven't mentioned the "star travel" reason - I know I'd certainly be tripping around the solar system (and beyond...) if I lived forever, once the travel tech was up to scratch.

Solution: if you want to have children, you forfeit your immortality. There would be plenty of people willing to make that sacrifice eventually.

If this becomes available for public purchase, I give it a week before there is porn of it...

Seth Green is one of those quietly brilliant actors, who just does what he does, and doesn't shout about it. He's popped up in all sorts of great (typically funny) movies.

Dogs have owners.

They would have been better to make a sand/water/binder sludge and extrude that from the nozzle, rather than the half-assed spraying mess.

Yeah, it so doesn't need to be "full drawer" sized. A chopping board drawer is an old idea (REALLY old), but I've never seen one over the bin.

Not a small crew - a huge crew. Economies of scale mean that a big ship with a big population would be better (less relative fluctations regarding breathing, food, birth, death, etc). We live on a huge "ship", closed ecology (except the sun), 7 billion inhabitants. The main problem wit hbuilding a genship right now is

I think (I'm no expert) that if you look at the frog at a cellular level, you will find it is different from us, in a biochemical way. Normal cells get destroyed by crystals of ice growing inside them as they freeze (water expands as it freezes, remember).It's not the re-animaition that's the problem, it's the

"Fifty Shades of Greys"

I was about to say the same thing. Industry standards are the best way to keep consumers happy. (eg: other than PlayStation, I won't buy anything Sony. Never have, never will buy anything Apple.) The same for software - why should my friends XBox games not work on my PS3? Standardise! (I can go ANYWHERE and buy an M10

Adaptation is the answer - it's part of what makes humans the top animal. Typing one-handed (not touch-type, but I'm learning...) isn't hard at all - I have Erbs Palsy; my left arm doesn't have the dexterity for typing etc. Try one-handed rock-climbing...

Only 5 senses? I've got 7. Why do people always forget about balance and proprioception (the sense of where your body parts are relative to each other)?