Wierd as it sounds I love the 2nd one the most. Just a fun wacky movie, a strange ode to James Bond movies, and has tons of details and extras that you can spot should you have a kid obsessed with it.
Wierd as it sounds I love the 2nd one the most. Just a fun wacky movie, a strange ode to James Bond movies, and has tons of details and extras that you can spot should you have a kid obsessed with it.
This bro-dozer coal-rolled me, so I pulled my Aveo to the side of the road, popped the hatch, and well, long story short, that dude won’t be rolling anything any more.
Has anything with the words "a Pontiac G6" ever resulted in anything good.
“Well trick me into an embassy and chop me up like a piece of meat, this is the last thing I’d have expected from Saudi Arabia!”
“If literally one thing goes wrong—if the team needs to call for help or a tow truck, if they get stopped, if they crash—literally anything goes wrong here and these guys would be pulling resources from an otherwise already overloaded system, not to mention potentially increasing the risk of contracting coronavirus by…
A 250 swapped Grom sounds absolutely terrifying.
I’ve always liked these. It’s sort of a weird mashup. The front end is from the 60s, the greenhouse is from the 50s, and the taillights are from the 70s. Yet somehow that all works together.
I live in Enfield and take my car through Hartford pretty regularly, and being a silver MR2 with orange wheels and wing everyone things I'm out to race them (and it's all clapped out Hondas/Acura)
Drifting aimlessly at sea? Did the front fall off?
Paid DLC 1: Remove roadworks every 2 miles.
Spoken like a man who saw the headline and completely skipped the rest of the text to post a snarky comment for stars.
Your children will be fine. However, you will likely be disappointed, since having 19 children, all the cupholders will be taken, and you—the 20th occupant—will be cupholderless.
At least the Fusion might get an honorable death and they won’t re-badge it as The Four Hundred.
Feels like they’re setting themselves up for getting killed in the next recession if they don’t at least maintain the ability to quickly respond and bring them back into the market.
In fairness, if the part about the union is indeed true, then fuck the union for bouncing around the problem instead of dealing with it.
Salt is safer in the sense that it takes conditions down to “wet roads” so that the risk of accident is significantly reduced. Especially in states like Michigan, where chances are there is a sizable portion of the population driving around on bald tires.