
Well, lots of us commenting but none of know what “through dividend recapitalization deals in 2012 and 2013, then appointed fiduciaries” means.  

Sadly he does appear ill, I hope he is well.  

This democratic leadership are making themselves look like clowns.  Pointless waste of house time when there is no teeth in any of it.  I wish AOC was in charge. 

Ok, why did they buy $3.1M worth of firearms products and what were they that is wild. Also they claim 5m members, but it is basically impossible to cancel your membership, and many wish too. If you dont pay they dont cancel you. They need the numbers to lobby. I would love to know the actual number of NRA members

Wow, I had no idea Goldman was funneling money back from ananomous off shore accounts. I am sorry but I am pretty sure this used to be called money laundering. My how the times they have changed.

I would love to see all the other major candidates pick one of them and send that one after Joe. Let them debate Joe, for as it will be now there are too many for any one to do well enough in the post debate polls to unseat him.  I know Warren would blow the old fart up, imo. 

Was there though any actual worthwhile reason to have held the show?   I dont think so, makes us not much better than them here. 

Makes sense to me because the fake news is fueling those problems.   Stop it then focus on the others IMO.

60k to 100k a month theysay, I dont get it where have we put theses poor people,  it would be like half a million so far this year?

Whoa, my homepage is Google news, splinter is not a choice btw. I never imagined such a disparity as its headlines you select and click through to the story and see their adds. Money hasgotten out of hand. Maybe we need to look at altering our monetary system so comapnies who do basically nothing or have never

How do you rack up 2g’s worth of calls without gettting arrested?

She is definitely growing on me.  

Sorry you are way off base here, no way does it make sense to impune her cuz her husbands a jerk. I am huessing you arent married.

I honestly blame it on the super powerful cannabis, they are zombies, and I believe the feds know it and are allowing its use to spread among those who would otherwise riseup..  I was 18 during the viet nam war, the pot was leaves, and invigorated you to have pizza sex or protest!  No kidding. 

Just how they look as well as act, Schumer and Feinstein,  seriously weakens our chance to elect a democratic president. They are literally old and in the way as much as Mitch.

Probably meant he normally is Hyde who turns into Jekyl when asked about abortion. 

I cant find where she burnt him in your article.  But I do love her.  We should just put her in charge of everything 

Not sure if an untrained teacher would carry a gun.  Not sure an untrained teacher can get a permit to carry one.  

Snaps and shoots a bratty kid, com’on mannnnn. 

Interesting when one repeats facts as here. I note the source you say he didnt cite also didnt cite their source.