
Seems to me they have far more reason to boo Bolton, anyway, I myself would not boo her, I have only seen her act like a lady.  Brits arent dumb. 

Perfect example of people arguiung two different questions simultaneously without distinguishing. One question is the ethics of abortion, the second question is womens’reproductive rights. The first question has no universally right answer, which  is why the answer to the Second question controls, and that answer

The position of attorney general was created to serve as the President’s lawyer. This of course is why it was always understood he and the later created doj, a part of the executive branch,  would not be charging his client with a crime. The founding fathers never forsaw congress being so bipartisan as to over look

Wow if that is the only dirt u can dig up on her she is clean.  I mean seriously dont you as I believe and repeat what your family told you is your ancestry?  It is a mistake, an honest one, move on.

Geez Rafi lighten up you know how hard those kids work to get into the academy and then graduate. I admire them, and lets face it, it must of been a hoot to have the crazy President there. I mean the guy is a non stop circus.

I dont know this, but, I didnt care.  

Wow, talk about hitting the nail on the head.  Did you simply sit down and real this off.  Very impressive.

It clearly is false and violates their policies, but I am guessing Markie doesnt like the democrats calling for Facebook to be split.  So pretty clear it is a political animal and not a social platform 

There was insufficient evidence tonfind him innocent.  And I do wish we could read the report.  We really need too be able too.

You may not know but the directors and officers of non profit corporations are entitled to large salaries and percs. Not that these fine gentlemen would stoop to such an obvious scam.

It does boggle the mind that it no longer matters that it was impossible to have committed the crime when they accuse persons of committing it. This whole thing as a lawyer and a citizen has become surreal to me. Never did I think our system would have stood for this lunacy.  It is not going to end well for sure.

So we are asking men to do an insane thing (shooting humans) sanely, it is a lot to ask.

As the sightings were with the naked eye by trained intelligent sober humans, there aren’t any other explanations mundane or otherwise.

How about the snake oil ads on this page with your article,  “cable companies dont want you to know about this” and “ boost your slow wi-fi”   These are scams, should you write when their money is paying you?

More likely just like most of them half the time they dont show up for shit.

We really arent requird to screen our clients any more than a Dr is.  If however we feel we can not put our heart into it we are ethically bound to not work for that client. 

Thanks for that.

Wow, he is loosing it.

Wow, a new one, “Cis”. Wtf is that?

You guys shouldnt allow mimes and photos, you’re drawing flies.