
Is it just me, or did they raid a Mazda parts bin?

A few years back, Houston’s football team moved to Tennessee. When it received a new franchise there was a voting contest to pick the mascot of the new franchise. Houston ended up with the Texans. The worst team name, ever. Especially considering that Dallas already have a team named the Texans. They moved to Kansas

You’re right, that kind of flyover would never happen nowadays.


Ermahgerd, people are having fun. I HAVE TO STOP THEM FROM HAVING FUN BECAUSE STUFF.

"Ramp agents" are not always unionized. Neither airport I worked at (ABI, HOU) had union employees.

If you watch QI, you know that any episode with Sue Perkins is going to be hilarious.

In 1998, I was 14 year old, a freshman in high school and a member of the coolest organization on campus. My friends, I was in the marching band. Every year, the band would take a trip of one sort or another. Our trip that year was to Ireland. We had been selected to march in the Saint Patricks Day parades in Limerick

As someone who lives in Texas I want to go on a rant about how people misrepresent what Texas is really like.

Ha... Gotta love Hilton. That guy is the poor mans Mattress Mack.

This guy is out there doing some awesome shit.


But is it black and blue, or white and gold??!?!?

Turtles all the way down.

Smaller aircraft equipped with turboprops actually have an advantage over similarly sized jet aircraft during short-field landings and takeoffs. The props can produce almost instantaneous thrust on take off and reverse pitch on landings to help with braking.

Circa 2009


This article shows a glimpse of what a day at work can be like for someone who works inside a terminal at a major US airport.

The middle-aged women were throwing bottles of white wine on the ground, too. The only difference is that the ladies' bottles had sugar on the rim...