
I can hear the gears of your mind grind as they look for justifications to insert any song made after Zooropa into this list.

I get that you probably shouldn’t have every song from the Joshua Tree on here, so I have no problem with Running To Stand Still not being here... but after hearing so many U2 songs hundreds of times over the decades, that one still chokes me up when it comes on the radio.

An Cat Dubh or GTFO.

That’s... a pretty good list!

Definitely the selection of somebody who played Under a Blood Red Sky to death in their teenage years.

I thought the episode was better than most. The criteria for judging it isn’t clear.

I’d say about 80% of what’s good about Passengers is Thomas Newman’s score.

Or get the digits. I vote for the latter.

this cast list is particularly DeLovely

She probably told her agent “Get me out of this turkey, I’m trying to have a career.”

Apparently they did reach out to Farrell to get him to return but he couldn’t make it due to scheduling conflicts (namely The Batman).

I remember a groan in the theater when it turned out Farrell was Depp in disguise.

These films are completely unnecessary, but they still could have been, y’know... good. The first one was mostly fine, but they made the terrible mistake of replacing Colin Farrell with Johnny Depp at the end. Why not just use Colin Farrell? I get that Grindelwald was in disguise, etc, but throwing Depp into the mix

Bertha’s Dress of the Week was the one she wore in as Cool Mom to Gladys when Miss Astor was to tea. Neckline. Draping. Bustle.

They realized Colleen was a much more compelling character

I popped for Matt (insert “that’s what she said” joke here). Don’t get me wrong, it was all kinds of wonderful to see Tobey and Andrew back (and the whole audience was seriously into it when they showed up) but it was the low-key intro shot of the cane that had me sit up and take note.

“I’m a really good lawyer”

Yeah. Obviously not as big of a response to Andrew or Tobey, but it was SO good being in the theatre and hearing the crowd pop for Matt!

who cares she's so pretty

How is Gal Godot’s acting? LOLOLOL JK we all know it’s shit.