
dude, its Alamy stock.  I doubt if they even paid for the rights. 

Who is the dumbass judge? Pick any one from the hundreds that Moscow Mitch pushed through over the last 3 years that have no experience. 

I’d say that with Pence, it’s less about coming around to reality and more trying to live in two realities simultaneously: one where he is a serious, respectable statesman with a political future, and one where he is Caligula’s poodle. Because these are wholly incompatible realities and one is very damaging to the

Pence said in an interview that aired Sunday that people should listen to state and local officials on wearing masks in public, adding that “every state has a unique situation.”

Honestly, DC could very well become a state with a Democratic Senate. It would require eliminating the filibuster, but if Democrats were willing do do that they could easily pass DC statehood and if they wanted add even more. I’ve always thought 53 states made the most sense with DC and Puerto Rico being added and the

we’re creating settings where people can choose to participate in the political process

DC will not become a state because Republicans do not want a majority black state that will never vote for them. If 90% of DC had voted for Trump instead of Clinton it would have been made a state sometime in January 2017. But the same party that screeches about the tyranny of the Federal government is perfectly happy

Even if TX goes blue (and FL too, by the looks of it) and Biden wins, the mainstreaming of the far right will plague us until the republic is toast. 200+ Dump judges...if we take all three branches hopefully we learned from 2009-10. No room for complacency this time around. Terminate, repeal, indict. The transition

Obviously, the solution is for Trump to hold a big beautiful rally in Texas.

“Either way, it’s worth noting that “citizens of countries other than the US used social media to undermine the efforts of a US political campaign” is probably not the best message for Trump’s domestic political opponents to be sending.”

Depends on how deftly Parscale can blame anyone else for the failure. It’s the Trump management style.

No one from another country reserved tickets. Kpop fans are in the US.

As a young person who hangs out on alt tiktok, my assumption was that these are American K-pop stans because K-pop has a massive U.S. following, and I saw mostly Americans spreading this prank on my feed...Your comment does make me wonder how many people would think the opposite though :0

Awwww....poor sad wittle pwesident. Nobody came to his party.

It was his big day, and he was absolutely crushed at how no one showed up to his party. He needed the ego boost, he got nothing in return.

Will he fire Parscale?

I’m taking a small, probably brief, measure of joy that the rally was a fucking shitshow. I hope Trump is spending the day alternately pouting and raging at everyone who comes into his line of sight. Maybe he’ll finally gorge on one too many Big Macs and pop an aneurysm.

I suspected something like this when he was boasting that one million people had requested tickets. You know damn well that was false. Good for them.

Update (roughly 2 hours after the last update):