
It did film. 32 and 31 were filmed out of sequence. I believe 32 was filmed mostly in April.

I don't see a Final Four happening (would explain the size of the merge tribe though) but that would be a season ruining twist. I really hope they aren't that crazy but then again they thought Redemption Island and the Have Nots were a good idea so who knows…

Abi calling Kass an instigator is the best blend of truth and irony of all time.

Yep, I voted for Abi because I figured she would bring the chaos. Well, I was right. Unfortunately I never considered what would happen when she turned her sights on my favorites (specifically Varner). But as you said, I totally deserved it for voting her in.

Thankfully I only half pay attention to those, hope it wasn't a major spoiler. All I know is that "something big" will happen. Thanks for the heads up.

Jeremy and Kelley both making successful idol plays, cancelling all votes in the same Tribal Council would have to be a first. That would be an amazing moment. We can only hope Survivor is so kind.

I would never want to see Keith win either, but he might be one of my favorite people ever to play. He just seems like a fun guy, especially if you need a way to make living on a "deserted" beach interesting.

That was such an easy answer I can't believe he didn't use just that one sentence. "I knew I was gone without Immunity so I decided to play for Immunity" and boom everyone gets it.

I'd forgotten about that moment with Katie.

I just really can't describe how much I love this season. Even when my favorites get voted out (I came into the season wanting to see Stephen and Varner win) it's still incredible. Every episode has been madness.

I agree that there is almost no way next season can live up to this (although if it is just as good as Cagayan we will be so lucky…), but on some level I do have to admit that not every season can be top shelf. There is a reason people think about HvV and FvF differently from Guatemala/Panama differently from

I loved it when they got to players that either nobody knew or had only known for about three days. I need to rewatch Palau to see what the finalists for that season would have said about the first couple of boots…

I mean Stephen was my pick to win and favorite player before the season and I was still thrilled with the way things went tonight. This season truly is firing on all cylinders.

I don't know that I could call this the "best" season because at some point "best" becomes a stand in for "favorite," but I'm having a difficult time thinking of a season that is definitely better, more entertaining, more strategic than Second Chances. This has been a fantastic ride from day one and I can't wait to

Abi's performance in recent episodes has actually impressed me. Granted not in a "I think Abi can win" kind of way, but her smaller dosage/minimized insanity state, she is excellent as a pot stirrer and capable of being very entertaining. As far as I'm concerned this Abi can make final three because I'm enjoying it

Nobody hates him. That's the problem.

I thought about that too, but I genuinely think she is toning down a bit. Maybe the people she was around "encouraged" her a bit too much? I can see Varner being the ultimate pot stirrer and just whipping her into a frenzy, plus she seemed to have actual problems with some of the others.

It's amazing how far she has come even from earlier this season with all that "you voted for me twice" crap. In doses, Abi is highly entertaining and an excellent pot stirrer. If this version of Abi shows up for the rest of the season I wouldn't mind it at all if she made it to the end.

I wasn't a huge fan of his in SJDS. I was fairly neutral to him, although I admit I was spoiled on the outcome so I didn't pay him much mind.

I want Abi getting left out of rewards to be important later. I can see it now…