
Between that, her trolling of Andrew with "at least you made the jury," and ending Joe's idol hunt by claiming she needed to take a dump, I'm starting to actually not mind Abi. I can't even believe I just said those words in that order but I did.

It could be like Fiji, without the whole "yeah, you actually built this camp for these other douchebags. Have fun starving."

Sometimes I do that sort of thing just for myself, which kind of makes me wonder if he was presented as being more condescending than he actually was. Then again, it was Spencer and I don't have trouble imagining him actually thinking Joe was that inept. I mean I thought Joe was that inept before the season started.

I've seen the idea floated that they could split into temporary "teams" for at least part of the early stages (a la Fiji) where only half of the tribe actually ends up going to Tribal Council. I kind of like this as it would force people to work with everyone even if de facto tribes started to surface.

Damn it I always forget it's the internet and I can't convey tone. I feel like Spencer…

Makes me wonder if he said "Fuck them. Pieces of shit" completely un-ironically only to have the camera guy say something like "bro… give me a wink or something so they don't think you're becoming homicidal."

I think a true one tribe season (not a One World repeat) would at worst be a fascinating experiment, and at best would force people into such a different approach to playing the game that it would be incredibly interesting. I suspect it might end up with de facto "tribes" anyway but I'd love to see 16/18/20 people

It does sort of beg to be spelled with a "u."

'Murica was indisputably the greatest merge name ever. Then again I'm easily amused.

Just as I was starting to think "huh, I actually am starting to not mind Kass this season" she gets voted out. The fact that I thought that at all should have been my first clue, but I was so caught off guard…

I would not complain at all if this became some sort of template. As far as I'm concerned the more players are forced to adapt to different situations the better.

#JoeLanguage was absolutely fantastic.

I finally saw Australia this past week. I would like nothing better than to see Jeff Varner get another shot.