
I came in here because my Facebook was exploding over TWD (which I've never seen) and I wanted to find out what the deal was. Struck me as odd that a show like this could generate so much (really, any) controversy.

James Marsden is the new Sean Bean.

I agree with your second paragraph, I always justify it in my mind by telling myself that the showrunners never actually claimed this stuff is all happening at the same time. Possibly wishful thinking on my part but that's how I get around it.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

If the editors had presented Aubry like a Lisa Welchel or Dawn Meehan I would be able to buy that she was viewed that way. Unfortunately Aubry was only presented like that for about one episode. Either way it points to the weakness of the edit, which I thought was a strength for most of the season.

It'll be fine. People will forget that Millennials vs. Gen Xers is supposed to matter the second the first storm hits, or when they realize food is coconuts or bust. I give it one episode before we all forget what the theme is without Probst reminding us.

It's The Amazon to me. Could have been top three, instead is somewhere between 6-10. One vote can't undo the strength of the rest of the season but the winner should be more present than a chicken.

That would be fantastic!

I've got to think that Ramsay is being set up for one of the biggest (if not THE) falls of any villain so far.

I'm not sure how Amazon entered this discussion.

Methinks just a solid troll post. He is right about what happened in Vanuatu, but the reasoning is absurd. Classic troll bait.

Doesn't sound like the same injury but it definitely has the same impact… it's situated perfectly to force an amputation if action isn't taken.

I've been thinking of him as a poor man's Russell Hantz and so far he has done nothing to prove me wrong… he doesn't do anything as well as Russell, he's not as good at strategy, being a jerk, he doesn't even seem as smart. Just a cheap knock off.

You seriously think this is the first time the TV crew has had to look over these infections? In 32 seasons, you think this is a new idea?

Yeah if I have to choose between "give Neal some ointment and hope he doesn't have his leg amputated" and "evacuate Neal and ensure his safety" I will pick door #2 every single time… and that's not considering that Survivor could get pulled from TV by gambling with a leg (at best) by hoping for the best.

This is what I think. The show seems to be interested in portraying Debbie as strategically competent… at firs I thought she was pure Coach, but I don't think that's what is happening in reality. I could see a situation where everybody on the show considers her a goat because her strategy to "fly under the radar"

She had eyelashes?

And boom goes the dynamite.

Calling it "one of my favorites" was probably a bit of a stretch, I think I rank it #13 which is about mid pack, but I do tend to get overexcited when I talk about Guatemala because I think it's so badly neglected. That opening challenge sure was a spectacle!

His eyebrows are fantaistic.