
JZ cares as much about social justice as a doorknob. He’s about making money and that’s cool. Seriously, doesn’t any of this matter. Having a black own NFL team would have little to no impact on the lives of average black people. As for Kaepernick, his kneeling was a nice symbolic gesture and I respect him for that.

There’s something you need to see, and it’s just so convenient it’s available today

And they always have holes in the middle, presumably so farts can escape. The best chairs for cheese shops and Mexican restaurants, obviously. Maybe ice cream spots too.

That discomfort may be a feature, not a bug. If the chairs are uncomfortable, you won’t linger at the table as long and they can seat the next party.

I knew which chair before the picture loaded. They are uncomfortable as fuck and should be launched into the sun.

Right, and we all know that elections mean that 100% of a people are behind every decision made by their leaders, no matter what.

Just like us then. The actions of Trump are not the desires of the vast majority of people in our country. I imagine that Israel has a similar issue.

The thing is that Israeli needs radical policy to survive as a nation.  Do you know who their neighbors are?  Literally, and yes I actually mean literally when I say this, every neighboring country would like to have Israel wiped off the face of the earth.  Without strong policy and support from the US, I have no

I know, but there are a lot of people who will try to twist that into racist or religious hatred for the people of Israel. I prefer not to give any ammunition to that argument. 

yup. i have four sisters and we all played sports (to the mom up there hoping for a girl so she wouldnt have to wash sweaty athletic clothes *eyeroll*), my dad taught us how to use tools, coached our softball teams, etc etc. We also were plenty rough and definitely kept up with all the boys in our neighborhood.

This is the worst. I also saw something on Instagram recently where a “#boymom” posted a picture of her holding her son and the caption read “Girls love their moms. But boys are IN LOVE with their moms. So blessed to be a #boymom”. Which...has such strange, vaguely like, sexual undertones to it? Or am I reading too

I also deeply hate, “Oh, he’s flirting!” He is not flirting. He is a baby. He does not want to have sex with you (or anyone, because, BABY).

I’ve always found that kind of language gross as hell, and I would rather not be labeled the paramour of a literal baby, thanks.

I also sometimes see it as a sexist brag. Not always. But even some of the women quoted here are acting superior for having boys? Like not understanding “little men” is a weird flex? Granted, it’s not new that having boys is more celebrated than having girls. Just sad that women partake in it. 

Really? I’d be like, okay lady, I’m sure you and little Tennessee Williams there will be very happy in your decaying mansion under the live oaks.

This is so refreshing! At that age a crush has much less of a sexual component than it does the first real experience of deep empathy and longing for what another person represents to the psyche. To not freak out about or oversexualize a childhood crush is to tell your kid “strong emotions are part of life and can

Ugh. The 'boys will be boys' bullshit is why I rarely see my brother. Him and his wife had 3 boys in rapid succession and they are nightmares when I comes to behavior. What is worse is that they give me shit for scolding their boys when they do stuff like throwing stuff at me or trying to punch me.

“Because you’ll clean up for them, so they have no incentive to be careful.”

When I was interviewing daycares, while giving me a tour, one of the daycare owners referred to a kid in a class as “my little boyfriend.” That was the moment I did not choose to send my child to that daycare.

So I worked in a preschool and something the 2 year old classroom used to deal with was moms referring to favorite teachers as their 2 year old son’s “girlfriend”. Like “oh there’s your girlfriend” jokes about crushes etc. My theory was that this was how they made their insecurity at having their baby’s love for