
She knows what happened to Epstein. Maybe it’s already happened to her. These are very murky circles. Live by the sword, die by the sword. I used to think she was just hopelessly in love with him but now I see it was a mutual series of crimes entered into by a knowing adult.

It’s surprising how similar the excuses of both Trump and Clinton apologists are. “Too ugly for him”, “he’s never actually been convicted”, “Obstruction is cool cause he decided there was no underlying crime”.

The Clinton Conspiracy Theories are there to distract from Clinton’s sexual assault allegations. Juanita Broaddrick, Leslie Millwee, and Paula Jones all accused Clinton of sexually assaulting them, and for nearly 30 years they’ve all been called horrible names and labeled ‘opportunists’. Paula Jones had jokes made

I am glad Charles Keating is mentioned. When she learned his million plus donations were stolen from many elderly people who then lost everything, did she return the money? Of course not. It was then I saw her for who she really was.

Now playing

I remember that, and I remember how the papers/commentators sneered at Sinead WHILE AT THE SAME TIME shit was coming out about the waves of sexual abuse in the Church ALL OVER THE WESTERN WORLD(early 90s, I think?) And OMG, remember when Christopher Hitchens (RIP) did his expose on Mother Theresa and people were ready

Thank you for this article. It brings to mind Sinead O’Connor’s public outcry over what was happening in Ireland and abuse - and now we know deaths- of thousands of newborns and wee children right in front of the so called blind eyes of the government in collusion with the Catholic Church.


Not wasting food isn’t about not being poor, it’s about not being a jerk. Being wasteful is a bad thing, in and of itself. 

Such a waste. My grandparents would roll in their grave if they knew I was wasting food. But on another note, this is your situation. Why are you telling people you don’t know who may be poorer than you to just throw away their leftovers? It’s coming off like you’re bragging that you can afford to just throw away food.

You can have your well rounded meal, eat your fill, and then just leave the rest on your plate for the staff to throw away when you’re done.”
Why the hell would i do that when i can take it home for later and it will still be %90 as good as what it was? That’s a whole meals worth of money. I’m not a penny pincher but

You should stop talking and acting like FAS is a death sentence. I have FAS, my mother was an alcoholic and died during childbirth. I have complications and autism but I live a rich fulfilling life. There are even famous people like Greta Thunberg with AS that are changing societal perceptions. Please consider

I think it would shake up the whole job market for the better. Not everyone would leave but many would.

My family has been putting our hamburger in ziplock bags and freezing them for as long as I can remember (i’m 35). We wash them and reuse them and have never had a problem. Most likely this is just a Corporation trying to cover their ass and not get sued.

that’s because most of the time, one is dealing with US racism. Yes, structural racism can be applied in different contexts, but white people tend to play very, VERY stupid about race, so KISS also comes into play.

When white people en masse show the ability to deal with nuance, is when they’ll get nuanced answers.


I think that’s a little obtuse; what if I want a rounded meal with a protein, starch and Vegetables? What if I want a sandwich? It’s still a problem too, the appetizers are also enormous and usually less healthy.

I am not ashamed that if I land in an airport that has a Sbarro then I will be eating Sbarro. 

But why not? It seems like you’re vastly limiting your restaurant experiences by only ordering what you’re certain you’ll eat. Do you dislike leftovers? 

Not all Americans can eat American sized portions.

The waitress at Applebee’s loves when I order 2/3 of the Shrimp’N Parmesan Sirloin.

Hard to do in America! I have a small appetite and any time I am in the States I’m always amazed (in a terrible bad no good way) at how huge the portions are. Its pretty much impossible for me to find any meal I could finish in one sitting.