
Why should the customers be helping McDonald’s save money on staffing costs? If I’m doing the work of a cashier, I want a discount for my labor.

This debate you are having seems frivolous, until I remember that in the future the sectarian Star-Wars wars will ravage the few human survivors of the climate apocalypse.

From the article:

We should at least be able to request “thou” as a preferred pronoun.

“Folks” feels like cultural appropriation to me, since it’s not a word that I or most people from my region would normally use.

“Just go with they if the gender of the person in question isn’t clearly male or female”

Dear Please-Settle-This-For-Me,

I was just about to ask if you grew up poor before I read down to this comment. Being anti-leftover is a classic trait of a former poor. I used to feel that way, but I got over it when I realized that rich people are unashamed to do “poor” things because they had not humiliating memories of poverty.

M4All coverage would exclude dental and vision, too. Correct?

FYI-Descendants of slaves are not immigrants-they are victims of human trafficking.

Anything is healthier than e. coli.

I think the guy you’re talking to used to haunt Jezebel under a different name. He hates women to a point that could be dangerous and suffers from chronic racial self-loathing. He’s fun to troll, though, takes the bait readily.

The concept that only white people can be racist has been taught in racial studies classes-I remember being instructed that way in the late 90's early 2000's at my very white university. We were taught that non-white people could called prejudiced but not racist becomes racism is part of pro-white power structure. It

I imagine Beyond Burgers would also appeal to people who eat less meat for health reasons. Or people who are skeptical of the quality of meat served at fast food places.

House-made veggie burgers taste great-but that much dense bean-starch along with a bun will wreck my blood sugar. They do taste better than chemistry burgers, though!

The racism IS the campaign, and I suspect it may win them another 4 years.

Yup, no one is even talking about Epstein anymore. And the media is cooperating to help him, his buddy Epstein, and anyone else who would benefit from a smokescreen at this time.

Good point, a three-year old isn’t standing their ground in front of a car-they just don’t have the physical ability to anticipate and escape danger.

Perhaps you could proactively mention to the server that you enjoyed the food? When I don’t have an appetite for the meal I’ve ordered, I make sure to tell the server how delicious it was-then they don’t have to worry that I’m not eating because I have a problem with the food.

It’s a signal that you are going to straight to your own house and not to his (or her) place.