
“I really love making people happy” - You are exactly who should be customer facing. So many misanthropes in the Salty comment sections and in real life service jobs - if you all hate interacting with people so much, get a different job or figure out how to do the one you have well without the customers’ experience

I don’t know, I think I’d find “Would you like a short overview of how our menu’s structured?” as if I’m illiterate or just came down from my mountain cave for the first time and have never used a menu before even more condescending than for my server to offer to “go over it again” or “give a quick refresher”

One of the places I work at has a somewhat detailed ramen menu and a specials board that changes daily. It can be a little confusing for some newcomers. Yesterday a couple came in and took a look briefly before telling me they’d never eaten there and needed some help. I recommend two of our most popular specials, both

A local radio station where I live has a segment called “War of the Roses” where if you have a romantic bone to pick with someone (they ghosted you, you think they’re cheating, something’s going on), you call in and they’ll call the other person and mediate. One guy recently called in saying he went on a couple dates

-There is the pretty one that married the tall, bug eyed idiot.
-Then the one who wears pants who married a cute, soccer player turned evangelical preacher.
-There is the molester brother
-The sister studying to be a nurse that we are all hoping will escape.
That’s all i remember

Devil’s advocate: You’re basically saying because guns wouldn’t prevent 100% of rapes/assaults then that means they are completely valueless when it comes to protecting women. You completely devalue the (less-than-majority of) cases where being armed would in fact make the difference.

This happened to my ex. He has one handgun, given to him when he left the Army. He keeps it locked up. A few years ago he woke up to a dude climbing through his living room window from the roof of the building next door.

Yes, they will sell it to equally low self esteem girls who want to look like the girl on Instagram, regardless of what she’s holding. Low self esteem girl gets attention by flaunting her body and holding a gun - and another one wants to be just like her and get that same attention.
As for the guys, they see boobs and

It’s also totally irrelevant. As stated by Sean, in a society of abundance, no individual item is necessary. Is my car necessary when a smaller, more fuel-efficient model is available? Is my iphone necessary? Is my cup of kuerig coffee necessary when instant is available?

Maybe hunting anything at all is simply unnecessary?...

I can’t believe people wax their nethers completely bald with no anaesthesia. History will judge us for that one

Sorry but the day you need a gun for empowerment is the day you probably need to take a long introspection within. And yea, I talk men as well as women.

These are things an institution can use to attract student from various parts of the country and abroad. It improves the face of the university and helps ward off the chattering social media and journalists.

I work in administration, and I agree with this. Universities & Colleges have a lot of fat that should be trimmed.

You touched on something that is super important and rarely talked about. Namely, don’t bother getting your PhD unless you’re going ivy league. That’s a shitty and cynical outlook, but it’s completely accurate. The people who manage to get those rare tenure-track jobs tend to be from Princeton, Yale, Stanford, et al. 

Adjuncting, lecturer positions, visiting positions and exploited graduate labor are keeping universities as we know them afloat. It’s unsustainable and unfair and won’t change as long as unscrupulous universities keep feeding graduate students Ph.D.s that they know will have little value in the current academic job

In 2004 my history professor who was eking out an existence at age 35 teaching at the local Junior College in addition to the State U that I was at flat out told me: “Don’t become a history professor. You will never get tenure and you will never get out of debt. Don’t be like me.”

This was a great article. I taught a night class at my alma mater in my field a couple years ago because I thought it would be fun, and hoo boy, for someone who values their time, it was glorified volunteering. After two semesters I just couldn’t justify it.

Great article! I’m so glad this issue is getting some well-deserved publicity. Sadly, I think every university has the story of the adjunct sleeping in their car (just like every PhD program has the myth of the 15 year doctoral student; sort of a take on the Phantom of the Opera). Once upon a time, my course in life

I think you’re on to something.