I hold suspect any religion or country that doesn’t allow women the same rights and freedoms as men.
I hold suspect any religion or country that doesn’t allow women the same rights and freedoms as men.
Given Atlanta’s Head coach is a Pete Carrol protege —
As a Vikings fan, I will never not blame Blair Walsh.
Drink responsibly, and also discreetly. Rabbit’s great-looking, $10, no metal flask is dishwasher safe and holds…
(Said this on Facebook, but should repeat it here)
For clarity’s sake, the Asperger’s reference is from the most recent episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, where Larry David pretended to have Asperger’s to get out of a jam. Hence Larry David Brand Asperger’s. It’s not a dig at Asperger’s. It’s just saying that LaVar Ball…
The hell do you work?
You and me both, buddy.
Why can’t this argument be used by Roy Moore’s defenders? By Donald Trump’s? Both of them have denied the allegations, while Franken really hasn’t. Is it quantity? How many women until you believe it’s enough to take seriously?
When it comes to sexual assault and harassment, we should be holding up everyone to the same standards, no matter what their political beliefs are. If we let our side off the hook then sexual assault and harassment continues. The reason they persist is because the perpetrators think they can get away with it. The only…
You realize that pot and cocaine and heroin were all legal (and in every household!) in 1872.
Yes, but for why though? It’s not like they are in danger of going extinct, no one is taking their guns away, and they hold the keys to the White House. What is happening to make this a weekly occurrence?
It’s an iPhone X..they’re water proof.
We started writing our history out, this incident included. Unfortunately, within the last year we’ve lost 2 of our oldest family members. We did get a lot of valuable info from them before they passed, though.
Yeah, that actually is - they are single-handedly keeping regular ass Cheerios afloat. I haven’t ever seen one eat cereal by itself while drinking milk thru a straw. That’s just evil.
I honestly think that a good publicist can get Bobby as a guest purely on the fact that he’s the writer of Megan Kelly Today, Today.
Also target demo here and will watch the second half ANY TIME. I watched it on TV recently after a particularly rough week dealing with a bad sexual harassment issue at work and was cheering on all the rich white industrialists dying at the end. It was SUPER cathartic.
I had written about this story about a month ago in a long Twitter thread where I named serial predators like Bryan Singer, Michael Bay, Terry Richardson, etc. Poor Gemmel, it seems like once again the onus has been put on Moore’s family to keep the investigation open and find justice for the murder of their son. It’s…
This comment took me on a real adventure. I’m still not sure what happened here, but I think I enjoyed it?
Uhhhhh, why? Why should it bother you if feminism is being brought to the masses as something to strive for?
What it all boils down to is that the product these companies are selling isn’t skincare or energy drinks or scented oils or weight-loss wraps, it’s the experience of working for them. And the “consultants” are their customers, their target market. The product they are selling is the experience of feeling like you own…