
One of my friends kept putting stuff on Facebook about how she’s been super busy trying to get her business off the ground. In my head I was like “good for her, starting a business”. Then today, that had the #lularoe hashtag. And I was like “duh, should have known...also NOT A SMALL BUSINESS!”.

These companies also exploit some off the invetiable crappiness that comes from wrangling unappreciative small children. There are lots of small rewards and positive strokes. That’s the thing that keeps some women who know they are just breaking even in it.

I’m wearing a LLR blue striped pencil skirt right now. And it makes my butt look amazing if I do say so myself. I have a few LLR items, mostly in solids or reasonable prints like basic stripes or polka dots. (LLR can be way too fond of “whimsy” and faux-Native American looks for my taste). Like any clothing company,

I’m with this guy.

THIS. No, you are not “growing your own business”. You have fallen for a scam. Small businesses are the backbone of small town economies and community development. This shit is the exact opposite of that.

I get the appeal of these clothes, especially for plus size women (I was plus size until recently). When you’re fat, there is a whole thing about how black is slimming, long lines are better, don’t call attention to “problem areas” and part of the appeal of this is that it’s transgressive in that it’s bright colors

On the subject of annoying MLMs: my sister’s sister-in-law added me to a Facebook group where she’s selling “organic makeup and skincare.” She did this because I work at a Fancy Cosmetics Store whose theme is black and white, and she thought I might be interested in “getting out of a business that puts chemicals into

My godmother owns 7 McDonald’s. Someone once told her she also owns a woman run small business then tried to sell her Avon and recruit her for her team. I’m not sure what pissed off my godmother more...that the woman compared selling Avon to her owning 7 McDonald’s or that the woman called her business small. You are

hahaha. I went to a super weird ass dinner with a couple (with my husband) that turned out to be the same, except theirs was about “leadership.” We established early on that we had absolutely nothing in common, and my husband and I saw exactly what was happened and both just started going on and on about how amazing

I feel the same way when they talk about running a small business and being a #bossbabe. If you don’t have employees reporting to you, you are not a “boss”. They don’t have to do payroll or hire, train employees and stress over the fact an employee isn’t working out. They don’t invest in marketing other than their

Add in the “health coach” title and you get Beach Body. Uh, “coach”? You literally just told me to drink shakeology for several meals a day and then to eat a salad and you will be super healthy and so full of energy. No. No, I will not. I will be full of nothing because that stuff makes everything from the top of my

I think that there have always been plenty of these MLM businesses around, it is just that they are able to reach more people in more places much more easily now that we have the internet. I don’t think that the internet made these companies bigger, it just made us more aware of them.

I’m not a Spouse anymore, but the overpriced Pampered Chef pots and pans followed me into civilian life.

I hate that I have invested thousands and 15 years into my incorporated business and have a fucking MLM rep tell me that they “run a woman-owned small business, too!”. No. No you fucking do not. Ugh. Lots of times even the reps don’t realize they are 100% being used as consumers and pawns in these schemes.

I feel really bad for so many of my girlfriends, who feel that selling things from their home is the only way they can contribute financially to the household while raising children. As someone who spends more than $24K a year in daycare costs for two children (at the second cheapest option in the area, so not

Shout out to ALL the white family that voted for those black officials. This is good start to improving race relations. Show us and them (racists, etc) that y’ll are not with the fuckery and you will help put they ass out of office. Next up impeachment.

And the biggest issue to Virginians voting for Northam? Health care. So when democrats run on the issues, they win. Maine also passed a referendum on Medicaid expansion.

This guy looks like a fucking creep and I avoid anything with his name attached.

dude i’m jealous. i wish could be like that about older guys getting handsy with me. it just makes me personally feel really uncomfortable, always has. i think one of the things that probably made it weird for this dreyfuss guy was the fact that his dad was right there and he had really looked up to spacey and didn’t

“especially for working moms.”