
And yet addicts like Charlie Sheen and Johnny Depp secure regular work. A man has to be Mickey Rourke level before his habits are considered an insurance liability. Rose’s “issues” are garden-variety, although you’re right that she’s not bankable i.e. profitable enough for anyone to want to work around her problems.

Hey, I’m sorry about the breakup. That has to hurt, and wanting something more than what someone can give hurts and makes you feel like you’re just too much, even if you’re reasonable. I am someone who can’t give much to my partners, and they sometimes need more that I can give. That’s not a failing on them: it’s an

If no one has said it before, you deserve what you want.

Aw, thank you dear.

LW2 and I think I might have fallen in love with Dinosaurs and Nachos. Thank you. I just want somebody to love me that way and maybe if I hold out, they will, maybe not, who knows. Thank you both. As I posted up earlier, he dumped me and man, if all of your comments aren’t the best thing to make me feel ok about it, I

Hey, Knuckles Deep here. You all (and Jane) have really said things that mean a lot to me, I appreciate it. Shortly before the publication of this letter, he dumped me “I can’t give what you need from me,” was the reason. I love Jane and her advice, but it is not within me to chill. I want what I want and I can’t

Very true. I think back to my college days when one guy told everyone I was crazy. Why was I “crazy”? - Because he told me he had broken up with his girlfriend and that we were dating exclusively when he actually had not broken up with her and was dating both of us and when I found out I was angry - therefore, crazy.

That last letter? TELL MRS. HOLE. If she knows they’re in an open marriage, no harm no foul. If she doesn’t know he’s a cheating dick, he is mentally and physically abusing her by placing her physical health at risk.


I had a friend that was cheated on by her boyfriend for years. She didn’t know because they both worked a lot and traveled a lot for their careers and it was always plausible that he wasn’t available/was doing other legit things spur of the moment. Somewhat similar story to above. Four years go by and she’s like, hey

Knuckles Deep makes me sad because she describes herself as crazy and needy - now unless she’s broken into his house and stolen his child’s bunny and boiled it, I think “crazy” is some bad self-talk. She isn’t needy - she’s a person with needs and you only feel “needy” when those needs aren’t being met. I hate “love

Thank you! I feel like we’re being trolled with these advice columns. At least one of the responses each time (usually more) are completely nuts. Maybe to drive conversation?

WTF just rename this the “shut up about your feelings women - be happy you have a guy, even one who sucks” column.

I agree in that I would definitely want to know, because if I later found out months or years later I would feel like such AN IDIOT and a fool. Id want someone to warn me in advance and keep me from finding out way later than hyperanalyzing months or years of the marriage and his lies (what was real vs what was not)

Possible outcomes:

I get it. It’s a “good” problem to have, and feels like sour grapes, but dreading how you spend more than half your waking hours is a shitty way to go through life.

Am I wrong in kinda wanting the girl who used to date A-Hole to absolutely nuke his marriage? I mean, how else will he learn anything??

I have the opposite problem as the first letter writer: I have a job that pays me gobs and gobs of money, has amazing benefits, and would basically be the apex of most people’s careers in my field. But, I hate it and it makes me miserable. Just yesterday I applied for a job that will be a nearly $40,000 pay cut, a

Now playing

Fuck Meryl Streep and fuck any famous person who acts like this guy is their bff without being mortified by the colossal prick he is. Nobody will do shit and good luck getting Hollywood elite to stand up against him (how MUCH do you want to bet the Michelle Williams and Jennifer Lawrences of this town will say

She came from two well respected Hollywood personalities who didn’t have so much influence when she started acting. Her father is best known for producing a tv show, St. Elsewhere. Her mother is a serious actress of stage and film. Her godfather is Spielberg, and he gave her her first role in Peter Pan, but beyond