
Socially, we expect- and legally require- adults to not take up children on their sexual advances, though. While sometimes gray for people who just turned 18 in relationships with people slightly younger (which many states use Romeo & Juliet laws to address), one of the basic responsibilities of being an adult is not

I was quite the cute 16-year old, had an even cuter sister who was 15 and had a group of friends who also held their own (we were teens,it wasn’t that hard to be cute). In the 70’s, we had gone to see the Eagles in concert and, through our cuteness and some charm we had managed to con our way to the backstage area

Stop going to lunch so often with this person. Some people are just toxic, and that usually means not self aware enough to understand what they’re doing. My family is like that, and I’ve had to put them at arms length.

The fact that Mattix says she was happy about the experience doesn’t remotely absolve Bowie.

Dirtcast is the best part of my week. Excellent show. BIG FAN.

Last year I read a couple of groupie memoirs and I recall one, in particular, who seemed to be trying to force the “wow, it was so awesome” theme onto what mostly seemed like coming of age floundering. Certain bands were too “stuck up” or “boring” to give her the time of day and all I could think was “no, they were

I think that part of the complication arises from the different levels of maturity and responsibility expected from people of different ages. It can be a bit of both, in the sense that a 14 year old like Maddox can feel okay about the experience, and we shouldn’t judge her for doing the best that she could as a 14

It may seem glamorous

Here’s a craaazy idea for how to pay for the health bills of victims of mass shootings:

You have no idea what I’d call you if I saw you in real life. If you looked like a guy in drag, I’d call you a “he”.

Asexuality may be a role someone plays but it’s not a gender or a sex. It’s just an act.

Asexuality refers to someone who does not experience sexual attraction. They may experience romantic or aesthetic attraction, but not sexual. So that has nothing to do with “a role someone plays.”

I I have to highlight it for you? Are you ignoring it on purpose?

If you based your science on the level of expert knowledge ca. 1965, you could have made your assertion that “transsexuals [are] willfully misgendering themselves” based on the knowledge of the day. In that year, a blue ribbon medical commission created by the New York City Department of Health came to the conclusion

“Gender” seems to be an Anglo-Saxon, and even more precisely American, thing/phenomenon. Other languages just use one word which would translate to the English understanding of “sex” and don’t have the word “gender”.

Not that simple. Let’s say his estate is worth 1 million dollars. $1,000,000 divided by 600 people (dead and injured) is $1666 per victim. That’s not going to cover much in the way of medical costs or missed wages. This guy hurt so many people, 10 million dollars would barely cover it.

And before anyone bashes me for initially only comparing her to other women, let the record show that I actually had a much harder time thinking of male comic actors to compare her to. Most of the male actors I could think of who have the correct level of name recognition are some I’d not deem worthy to clean her

She is just fantastic. I know I’m just adding my voice to the crowd here, but between her work as Sweet Dee and now her turn as Mickey, she’s easily one of the most underrated comedic actors working today. She should be every bit the household name that Melissa McCarthy, Amy Poehler, and Tina Fey are. Hell, let’s

Okay, that was a bit needlessly snippy. I had just supressed a kneejerk impulse to complain about the insufficiently inclusive language (so what if it’s directed at hetero guys - and lesbians, I guess - not everything has to be about me), only to find you praise that very aspect. You kinda caught me on the wrong foot.


I actually really kind of want to see Cricket's musical! Archangel, lives on the streets, fights crime… Rise Up! Gonna take it higher and higher. Idk I thought it sounded promising